Then what'd he say!??

11  2019-04-18 by yevyoyevyo


He probably just downed a few more pints of Ranch dressing and wondered why Nikki hadn't yet returned from the parking lot with the Mexican busboy.

Maybe there's more to the story. Guess we have to wait three more weeks to find out, eh?

There isn’t even infinite energy in them, stupid. They evaporate from Hawkings radiation

Can you just put yourself in his shoes for a second. Imagine writing this exchange, and having to write the "drinking at Hooligan's" part. You wouldn't, because it has nothing to do with the exchange. But he put that in because he needs people to know that he has a social that involves sitting at a fucking bar.

Sitting in a bar typing social media posts where he tries to sound smart but falling short.

sounds like antH

The only bars he goes to these days are in West Hollywood or on Fire Island.


What must it be like to sit at a bar and copy-paste a line from an article, to pass it off as your own dialogue, in a post meant to create the illusion that you are drinking at a bar and get the best of your wisecracking buddies in articulate exchanges? I'm just the kind of loser who spends my Wednesday nights at home.