Goddammit Anthony

110  2019-06-19 by KarlosMarkas



What a fucking creep.

This man is a monster

He would defend himself saying he just likes how “funny” it is. How bout some self awareness given your past you disgusting ghoul

"I guess where things started going downhill was about 6 months into the relationship. Modeling was turning out to be a mind numbing job and all the fun things we used to do turned into us drinking every night watching awful reality TV shows like Toddlers & Tiaras and complaining about liberals." - Melissa Stetten

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120815035626/http://melissawashere.wordpress.com/2012/05/15/trophy-wife-aka-my-life-with-a-shock-jock

He had to watch that to get in the mood

what a shitty way to be a rich fuck.

and the only vacations he goes on are cruises where he just complains about black people

Macbook is on it's way

I dunno, man. Macbooks are only delivered to those in the 8 to 80 year age gap.

This is creepy

Yeah man, I think AOC is as big as batshit crazy as the next guy but this shit makes my stomach turn.

This is why political extremism on both sides needs to be stopped. It’s like the Taliban and the Communists battling it out in Afghanistan while everyone else suffers

What a great analogy lol

Thanks we live in interesting times these days

We live In a society!!!

Gamers need to rise up

God I hate "gamers". People who care so much about video games they think game developers actually owe them something. I had every Playstation from the first one to a ps4 I bought last November and it's still not part of my identity. Fucking r/gaming faggots.

Sorry brothamen I felt it so I said it.

THIS is creepy?

Anthony is a threat to society as a hole.

Nice play on words for that's exactly what he's been reduced to.

Wordplay yuma

Frail perverted homunculus.

Eww that's a young child.

Patrice was right, he should really be put down.

They should all be put down immediately

Italians, I mean

We knew what you meant.

The wrong black guy from o&a died

Aside from Anthony's ghoulishness, the parents of this child should be thrown into an alligator pit for doing this.

This screams of creepy Dad. The mom is not allowed to get in the way of him “owning the libtards”

Oh, I didn't fully read the caption and didn't realize that this was anti-AOC. I saw the girl that has Anthony's loins shooting sparks and immediately thought this was some douchey liberal family showing female solidarity with AOC. This is equally bad, if not worse.

This whole thing makes my skin crawl.

I saw an interview with her on Fox the other day. She has no idea what she's doing and it's pretty clear she's just a prop for her parents and family. It's just the conservative version of those videos where they get kids to swear about Trump and say 'Fuck Hate!'

CPS should pay them a visit. As a child, I would rather be beaten in the privacy of our home where no one knows than to be paraded and brainwashed in the public like this.

Political indoctrination is for faggots regardless in what you believe in

Politics is for fags.


As a child, I would rather

Hey not to be mean but kids shouldn’t be on here.

Really? A 2nd grader talking about politics didn't really understand what she was talking about? I have a hard time believing that!

I can't tell if you're talking about the kid or actual AOC.

Jesus fuck.

Anthony needs to be put on a watch list.

He’s probably already on the no fly list.

Antwan Kumiyaa is, but we know he has many aliases and countries of origin.

Hopefully he's banned at the Apple Store.

what the fuck ?!

those watchlists are the only place where Ant will remain relevant on

her parents are gonna notice real quick what videos get what viewcounts and the shorts will be hiked higher and higher, eventaully ending in halter tops and then just a 2 pc bikini

they should be put in jail for a year

eventaully ending in halter tops and then just a 2 pc bikini

We can only hope.

Found Anthonys alt

ha ha holee shit! what, i just think she's funny, that's all! i love watching little girls own the libtards!

from ages 8 -80!

smacks desk




Well he chose CP for a reason

He chooses CP every night

“I’d do an adopted sister” - Anthony Cumia

That's actually pretty damn funny

“No no, we were just talking. I just think your daughter is a smart young lady and I’d like to offer her a spot on Compound Media”

Grooming ghoul of a man

Assuming she doesn't die in a shame spiral of black cock and heroin.


Now would be a great time to pull the plug on his beloved twitter. With OJ and now his new recipient of an ipad. It might put him in the hospital again.

Boomer Humor

I read that in Scorch's voice

Its like he is watching a brisket finish.

this has got to be photoshopped ... he can't be that much of a pedophile out in the open, right?

No joke this is disturbing. Fucking ghoul

Ant mistook her for that drag queen kid.