Since I haven’t seen it on the new sub yet

50  2019-08-27 by suirogerg

Sam Roberts is a sociopath and a poor excuse for a man/father/husband. He is unlistenable, nobody likes him for his talent, and his hair is receding everyday.

Hi, Sam, we haven’t forgotten you.


Sam has to know, that once Joe has gone on to the great pasture in the sky, that he's finished.

Apparently he doesn’t check this place. Only Joe Cumia/James Hefner is noble enough to entertain us with his presence.

I'm sure Sam checks in from time to time just to make sure Joe is still giving us material. The last time things got slow people started talking about Sam's WWE gig. Had Joe not given us so much material, we'd be posting screenshots of Sam signs at WWE shows and paying Jake the Snake to do a Cameo.

If Esther Ku wasn't currently charging $50 I'm sure she'd have some words for 'SAMCRO' Joe 'Brother Joe' Cumia.

We can post on /r/wwe

r/squaredcircle for more exposure

There was speculation that Sam was getting the admins to remove posts about him on previous subs. I have independently confirmed this to be 100% true.

Sam? He does he got several posts removed and several users suspended on the last sub(s). If you make any posts mentioning any violence happening to him or wishing death on him, he goes straight to admins. The admins don't even care many of the posts were obviously jokes, and in many cases WWE or movie references. Suspended anyway.

If Sam was smart he would ignore everything we say about him and invite Brother Joe on the show. The amount of material we could get out of a 30 minute interview would save him for another year.

Is Sam still friendly with Anthony? I don't think I've seen him mentioned by CP Media, nor has he called in or been a guest in Anthony's shitty studio, has he?

Sam's to big of a get for CPM.

I heard he would have been on Anth's podcast but he demanded a nickel to flick off his ankle and Anth couldn't come up with the funds.

No idea, but I know Sam is good at manipulating dipshits and that Joe is most certainly a dipshit. I don't know what they do on that awful show, but having insane people ranting on the radio is always good. Tell the audience you're bringing on a maniac to talk about an "imager" conspiracy, then just let Joe run for 30 minutes.

If they finally let callers through to shit on Joe Cumia, that would definitely be worth listening to. You know tons of people tried to call and tell them to stop letting Anthony's leech brother bring shows to a screeching halt with his stupid gig plus and worthless, unfunny opinions on whatever subject they're discussing at the time.

balloon dick piece of shit

This guy gets it

There was a myriad of reasons the 2012-2014 period of the O&A show was overall mediocre, but his elevated presence on the show was a big one. Hearing that glorified intern interject into any given conversation like he's "one of the boys" was a clear sign the three of those assholes just gave up on trying and were just coasting until their inevitable implosion.

You don't think hour long segments dedicated to housewife television makes for entertaining radio? Huh huh huh.

Calling him a sociopath is giving him some kind of credit as a conqueror or destroyer. Sam is, at best, a co-dependent histrionic woman.

He was "Team Opie" for years, went to his house, tagged along for his stupid mobile videos, took care of Opie's digital archives... Then the second he lost the job, suddenly Sam's personality does a magical transformation into "Team Anthony & Norton" and he's dropping little tee hee cutesy one liners vaguely referencing Opie in a negative light, because Jim & Sam and Anthony both thought they could win over the Subreddits during the great fall of O&A on SiriusXM.

Sam thought he was going to inherit the fanbase, the reputation, and the bragging rights along with the air time job. Unfortunately, a diet of mcdonalds, cuckold porn, CNN, and WWE does not contribute to a mind or body that needs energy to perform a radio show. So his malnourished barely-living carcass simply drags himself to work everyday and -- well, that's the extent of it. He doesn't work, doesn't do show prep, can't write bits even if he wanted to, isn't funny off the cuff or pre-written, isn't interesting or capable of riffing or doing improv. He is quite literally what Opie was always called - a glorified microphone stand. The only difference is... at least Opie has 20 years of experience being a platform for others to be funny. Sam? Could barely get through a full year of letting East Side Dave be hilarious before he cut Dave's balls off too.

Who else has Sam betrayed out of a lack of ability to survive on his own?


Seems like we have. All I ever see are stupid "moo" Joe posts, rather than discussion about the absolute worst broadcaster in radio.

Let's not forget that he shit the bed, live, with his dream WWE job - like the retarded loser he is.