Reminder: The way Anthony views black people moving into his neighborhood is the exact same way the upper middle-class Jewish doctors and business owners on his street view him. His paranoia is their reality.

107  2019-08-18 by wwendell

“My family has partied till 4, 5 in the morning.”


"Schwoogie schwartza scum" the Jewish neighbours probably.

Cops showing up on a Wednesday at 1:30am.

To rescue an 80lb girl from a vicious beating.

Cumia is nigger garbage.

and seeing his 2 best friends Bobo and Big A,
Old Joey Cumia how does that make you feel inside that your little brother that takes care of you like a dad takes care of a slow child, would rather hang out with retarded losers over a rockstar band leader of 50 years like you?
Doesnt add up Joey what did you do to anth to make him hate you more than we do?

He put "moths" in his asshole.

I mean, thats totally normal right?

Boy did he sound like a whimpering puss when they showed. He talks real loud in a mic but turns into a pile of soiled underwear when confronted in person.

What a fag.

Several people, including Patrice if I'm not mistaken, pointed this out to him on the show.

Like with all of Ant's hypocrisy, I believe he just shrugged and said "what are you gonna do? A-HAA-HAAAA!!!"

God is he a piece of shit.

He literally talking about blaring rap music (Drake's 'Started from the Bottom') in his backyard to the chagrin of this neighbors while laughing. Nigger.

(AntH's 'Started as a bottom')

Now the whole team fuckin' queer

Ant hates Jews, but could never be openly 1488 because he worked in media, so that was his passive aggressive little bitch way to attack them.

Someone in the original sub opined that it was Ant's neighbor's who suggested he would be happier if he moved to Texas. That got this nigga's ribs a-going, I tell you what.

Ant hates Jews, but could never be openly 1488 because he worked in media, so that was his passive aggressive little bitch way to attack them.

Stop trying to get me to like Ant.

He doesn't hate heebs, his best friend and rentboy Danny was one as well as many of his employees are or were. Even normies can't stand jews ,hell even jews say jews are annoying

He wascosplaying as a nazi bc he thought he was being edgy, national socialists didn't hate blacks as much as Ant wants you to think, their views on them were pretty much the same as most of society esp in the Americas, there were black waffen ss for fucks sakes

Sure, but Danny is a failure of a Jew, so Ant doesn't resent him.

And Ant's racism is genuine. If anything, he downplays it because he still hopes for a Fox News gig. He wouldn't have become as unhinged as he did after George Zimmerman's trial and wouldn't have gotten fired like he did if it was just an act. He really is that racist. That he doesn't know the distinction between the Nazi's views and the Klan's is because he is a dumb retard without even a high school diploma.

His presence is the reason house prices in his neighbourhood have plummeted since he moved there. No one wants to live near an N person.

What must these well educated professionals be thinking as Joe steps out of his clapped out Gucci Fiat, his pendulous breasts spilling out of the armholes of his vest, his criminal eyes furtively scanning the area for anything not nailed down that he can steal? Then the rest of the horrifying rent-a-goons like Fred from Brooklyn, Bobo and Big A arrive and the entire street knows they’ll be disturbed by overly loud ha ha ha holee shitting until daybreak.

What a horrifyingly realistic picture you paint.

his pendulous breasts spilling out of the armholes of his vest

my ribs nigga

Don’t forget how they must feel when the gentle hum of Anthony’s quad copter gets closer and closer... to their kid’s window.

Any black who could afford to live in that neighborhood would almost certainly make a better neighbor than the wop.

Anthony is black people.

Anthony is everything that he hates. It’s disturbing that he hates blacks when he is literally a ghetto nig. Shit, I’m betting that most ghetto nigs have never smoked crack with their mothers.

Based on my experience of lower class Black Americans (which is solely based on Hollywood movies) there are a couple of sub categories in the mother/son/crack relationship.

  • The crack smoking mother. Her son will either end up 'slanging' (but have a contempt for crack and those who are addicted to it) or 'get hisself a scholarship' and move out of 'the hood.' His father is curiously absent.

  • The crack smoking son. His mother is a decent, hard-working, God-fearing woman who (unaccountably) has a slimy drug addict for a son. She is at her wits' end with him but the story has a 50/50 chance of ending in redemption. His mother might sometimes be replaced with decent, hard-working, God-fearing grandparents. His father is curiously absent.

Never is there a scenario where the mother and son(s) smoke crack cocaine together. The Cumias are next level scum.

The Cumia children grew up without their father around and when they were with him he was a lazy con artist. The Cumia’s are as black as coal.

Look he’s a nigger, a nigger!

Hi, senselessdegenerate!

I hope this day treats you well! Take care!



Pock-marked brown is the new black