“My big day! I better wear my best worn out Call of Duty shirt!”

74  2019-08-17 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud


Dressed like a teenager.

World's fattest teenager.

Not only is it a worn out video game shirt... it's a worn out video game shirt that he got as a hand-me-down from his younger brother.

There is no way Nana’s shirt would fit over them beefer’s Joe is sporting.

That's why ol' two shirts gave it to him. He couldn't fit it under his button down.

One of the many free shirts Anthony got from Rockstar Games before he fucked it all up and became persona non grata there, and Sirius, and Fox News Channel...

Three media forms that are known for their degeneracy. Yet Anthony's not allowed to assimilate with them. What's that say about him?

It is slowly becoming a v neck

More of a U now.

Moo neck.

It’s a good look cuz he can show off his cowbell.

Think of all the rock stars throughout history who also wore brand new black cargo pants.

Joe Cumia holidays at Disneyworld, is fat and wears shitty clothes and cheap sneakers. He's poor. If it wasn't for his brother's handouts he'd be homeless.

At this point, one could argue that Ant is actually the eldest Cumia.

Sleeping till noon and never having worked a day in his life has done wonders for Joe's skin. Few wrinkles and no bags under his eyes, very unusual for a 60 year old! Then again fat people have fewer wrinkles as their girth stretches their skin so it could be that.

That poor shirt collar has had that melonhead stretch through it far too many times.

He’s just a slobby, garbage human.

Nigga never heard of fabric softener.

an AARP member wearing a video game shirt.

People like Joe actually think of this as a bragging right. As if dressing properly or wearing a jacket is a punishment that they managed to avoid because they did life their own way

More like Call of Mooty, am I right, gang?

Sack of shit. Lame shades that don’t fit. Awkwardly moves around, looking out of place.

I could watch that clip on a looper all day. Laughing at you old Joey.

Slovenly bastard.