
65  2019-08-25 by Tashter


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Like we would need this faggot to be an even bigger faggot? Fuck off.

What a weird head he has

If you think this one is weird you should see the face on his wife's head.

JayH wishes he still looked like that.

Took his wife's surname and gave his son a girl's name. A real queer this guy!

Then he got nekkid on video for a known fag. Total finook!

He didn't even have the courtesy to pick a somewhat androgynous yet perfectly passable name like Jordan or Taylor. He decided to roll with Meredith for some reason.

On an unrelated note, I'm predicting Jay will take a serious stand around bullying in a few years.

Maybe i'm stupid, but i don't know fucking anything about this guy other than he used to be in movies i think.

Maybe i'm stupid


He was also a terrible standup that relied on mediocre impressions. His ex wife wrote his last comedy special and act.

He's completely irrelevant though right?

Of course he is, it’s why he started dating Logan Lynn. Jay needed to get some spotlight and all he ended up with is cum in his asshole as everyone already knew that he is a faggot.

He is also a well known joke thief and built a career on it.

Jay Mohr and his faggot boyfriend Logan Lynn was the main target of abuse from our original sub for a while.
He wa also a frequent guest on the O&A show. Very disliked by the listeners. Loved by the faggot hosts. His impressions were horrible.
He cried and bitched and moaned about Louis CK & Gervais talking over him in the studio... not when they were. He sat quiet like a little bitch and then came back on, on the phone and trashed them on the air, days later.
He also got into a feud with Dice, where in the end, he ended up actually calling the cops on Dice.

Jay Mohr is a massive faggot.
And we need to never forget that.


He is a faggot. Celebrities are supposed to act a level above civilians for a reason. He would call Ron & Fez and act like one of their dopey callers.

Whatever happen to Jay?


You dat guy Jay Moors!