James Hefner didn't visit Joe Cumia's mother for 5 years when she was dying

51  2019-08-25 by Dennyislife


As he should, play libtard game get libtard prize

Also James Hefner’s brother is fucking Joe Cumios girlfriends daughter

It's the thing that really made me hate both of them. Before that it was just pure lack of respect for them both, mixed with joy at mocking them. The underage girl thing, the blind and hypocritical racism, the parasitic natures, the general scumbaggery - all fun and games. But the fact that they ignored their own mother for 5 fucking years because it made them sad to see her is simply one of the most contemptible and cowardly things I've ever heard of. It's almost unbelievable.

Literally one of the scummiest things I've ever seen.

It really is the thing that made me lose all respect for Ant and showed me the true coward he was. I had to take care of my dying parents when I was in my late teens/early twenties and to see a millionaire just ignore his mom for 5 years while spouting American values is laughable. It would be one thing if he hated his mom, but clearly he had a close relationship with her prior to the last 5 years of her life.

I'm sorry that happened to you but you can always take some small comfort in the fact that your parents had you close by at the end. You went above and beyond as a son. The Cumia "boys" let their little sister man up and deal with the hard stuff.

He wouldn't visit Nana either and vice versa. James only cares about people as long as he is able to get something from them. Nana only cares about people because she's terrified of dying alone, which will inevitably happen.

They're both self centered losers, one just happens to live in a shithole with rusty red walls while the other is in a mcmansion.

I will however always be appreciative of the never ending source of entertainment they both unintentionally provide.