For those looking for definitive proof that Anthony's parody account is really him, his sister fucked up on Twitter today.

66  2019-08-24 by ScarletNumeroo



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Remove it now, cocksucka:

"Expressive_Black_Guy • 4h
Why the fuck do we give Dawn a pass? She knows very well that AntH is a pedophile (allegedly)."

I am The Decider

It never even removed it. Lazy ass bot.

I manually approved it.

Go to sleep for Pete's sake.

This place will be the death of you if you're not careful.

Dat ass

I always thought Gavin was trying to offend Anthony when he said that but he would just laugh about it.

Dawn is still totally fuckable tbh

God his hair is transparent now. Just let it go

His teeth are so fake looking as well

Steve-O veneers

I've never seen adult siblings hang out as much as these three rejects.

When one of them finds the other twos lifestyle they need to hang out to collect the checks in peraon. Those morons can’t figure out Venmo. Only reason Anth knows about it is bc It’s the preferred source of remuneration for teen tranny sex workers.

Dawn lets them finger her

Silly me thinking Joe stopped with the titties

Retards are always doing perverted shit to each other. No wonder Ro was on the pipe when she saw what she had made.

Imagine a retard incest baby?

Sounds like a reality TV show!

I would totally watch "My Retarded Incest Baby." Oh, shit, they already did that one with that Honey Boo Boo family

Hyper-familial loyalty is common amongst those who can't hold relationships up with normal people.

Also typical with minorities.

Also typical with minorities.

And Arabs. That's why they marry their cousins.

Joe has no friends because he's a mongoloid, and people only hang around Ant when they are paid to. They are the only company one another can get. And of course Dawn still lets them stick it in her.

He’s like a fucking cartoon character with his rockstar shirts

And joe has his trademark stretched out faded t shirt.

Of course he wears his INFIDEL shirt. Joe/James is such a bag of shite.


Does Anthony put olive oil in his hair?

Low sodium soy sauce at this point. His doctor told him to cut back on the salt for his ticker.

Just for Kikomen

Brylcream in his anus and lube on his hair.

James Haffner or whatever is embracing his Nigerian heritage wearing that infidel shirt

OK, which one of you assholes is Howard Riley on Twitter?

TIL Dawn blocked me on Twitter. Fawkin hater. I never even talked wit her tbhwybm


I feel ashamed how instantly I understood the acronym

Really? I was proud!

me too weird

Line of the day, brotherman

I want to slap dawns face violently with my cock while the cum are distracted by social media

They wouldn't have to be distracted Nana would be to afraid of confrontation to stop you and Joe/James would be out of breath after tying his shoelaces before making his way towards you

true they are weak scared pussies

Careful, or your dick will look like it went through a wood chipper:

Joe has an expression on his face like he just knows the picture is going to end up on here.

Anthony's hair looks teasingly flammable. He's turning into one of those puppet dolls his father called him a faggot for playing with.

His hair looks like it's recoiling in horror at what it's attached to.

What am I seeing when I zoom in on Dawn's upper lip? Is it an Italian/Middle-eastern thing? Still fuckable though.

Dawn looks like eartha kitt

Well, she is a Sicilian nigger after all.

Nice 7-head, follicles mcgillicutty. Sue’s cock rubbed the rest of your hair right off.

Imagine if nana never had any cosmetic surgery if this is how ugly he is with it

Two Puerto Ricans and their pet troll.

Anthony is slowly becoming his poolside raptor

Well, they're both predators....

Do these faggots ever not have a beer in their hands.

"Let's get a photo of the two semi-successful siblings."

(Joe creeps up from behind)

I wouldn't call Dawn semi-successful just because we don't hate her.

It's relative, of course. Not being in a Journey cover band gives Sis Cumia a leg up on Milk Bags.

Holy shit, that's famous musician James Hefner!!!!

Reported as "personal and confidential information".

  • ** No it isn't, Joe. DAWN CUMIA IS A PUBLIC FIGURE and her Twitter is public.**

Are you cereal?

Yes, I've lost count of how many times Joe/James has slammed his hoof on the report button in the last 48 hours. (Cc: @RamonFrunkis)


Sadly we lost this one.

They're Not People!

Ants hairline is Sam like

Joe is shockingly not grabbing at his sister's tits for once.