If Nana's company is so successful why do his employees make less than McDonald's employees?

40  2019-08-24 by TheWelfareMan


iPads don't grow on trees y'know?

He helps everyone from 8 to 80

Yep the things he does while they're 8 will stay with them 'til they're 80

everyone from 8 to 80

He was talking in months

It was a Macbook.

Carol is not wife material.

Joe never denied being a pedophile.

The three most ackshualllllyy facts in the sub's history and we're still gettin' it wrong.

Get it together, Tyrone.

No bosses no management my show

By the end of the year the "Anthony Cumia Show" will consist entirely of Anthony staring at his phone and saying "hahaHAholeeeeshit!" over and over.

Because his employees deserve to make less than McDonald's employees. Seriously, the old faggot intentionally employs the shittiest people. It's not like he's trying to get real talent. The other shows are only there so he can call it a network and put out some pointless numbers about how many hours of content he has a week. A show people actually care about leaves our network? Well guess what!? "Stuff Talk" premieres this Wednesday, starring Jack McHall and Robert Watson, 2 random guys who have over 100 followers each on twitter.

We did a few test shows last week to see how they'd be received. Fans really liked one of them, so we're bringing on a completely different one, "The Evening Roundtable", with 2 open-micers and someone who was a Fox News correspondent twice in 2013.

Nana isn't trying to have a good network. He's relying on a handful of subscribers who will never get over the break-up of O&A in 2014 to keep him afloat until his impending death. I'm not really sure what the point is of putting on the whole charade of having a network. I guess it's so he can pretend he's still successful and justify overpaying Keith for doing absolutely nothing of value.

He's relying on a handful of subscribers who will never get over the break-up of O&A in 2014 to keep him afloat until his impending death

These are the same people who write comments like "What I'd give to have a seat at that table!" when 6 toes Fred or one of the other mutants posts a picture of one of Nana's sausage fest poker nights in his grim basement. I can't fathom how big of a loser you'd have to be to say something like that to another grown man but there seem to be more than a few of them. Or they're all Moo alts.

Nice really logical question, smarty.

Shut up Joe

Who left the barn door open?

Keith is the one determining the salaries. He makes sure there is enough of Nana's money left to make his boat payments.