James Hefner = Joe's new business alias and how he dox'd himself again

93  2019-08-24 by BloviatingUdders


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Does he become James Hefner when he puts that fruity little visor with toupee on?

Fucking Hell. Did he get Keith to do the air brushing on this? The arm on the guitar looks like a prosthetic.

This is a picture you look at and go, "Nah, this is no good." but he still used it.

This cannot be real.

That's pathetic. Looper. Hahaha

More like James Heffer

What an utter embarrassment...


What a moron.

Laurence McKenna is helping joe pull this off, big time. I posted this gig date in the old sub, 8/17 at the tally ho. I found that by following https://shagtheband.com/shag-press-kit

This is just fucking pathetic... How can one man be so stupid

*two He has just a tad bit smarter little brother, who he molested as a kid.

You referencing the supposed "moth incident"?

Truly the gift that keeps on giving.


The guy's a master spy and saboteur... but strictly against himself and his loved ones

Hes a prolific idiot, i think thats fair to say


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You heard it here first, ladies and gents.

James Hefner is a coprophilic pedophile.

I miss that Ichise8 character.

It's a pretty good bit when used against those who deserve it.

Can someone post the archives Joes racist posts and child neglect videos? I think his bandmates and the talet agency deserve to know who they are dealing with.

Did he think he'd actually get away with this, even long enough to keep a single booking?

We knew about this show. I dont recall anyone saying they contacted them though.

Hefner. What a boomer faggot.

Even more embarrassing is his choice of last name.

With a “looper” on his guitar for creating his own backing tracks on the spot, and a “smart vocal harmonizer” for adding 2 additional vocals to his performance on the fly, you’d swear that you’re listening to a full band.

This is on another level

By now, you with think, well anyone would think, would just know better

I hope all this is being archived