This man says he'd have sex with a 13 year old if it was legal. Has a problem with this?

22  2019-08-23 by Dennyislife


Joe reported this as "It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors." Go report your brother, Anthony Cumia, who bragged often to millions of listeners that he prefers young teen kids and "would go as low as 13" if it were legal:

While you're at it Joe, go to one of those Roman churches the people you claim to be one of attend, go to the confessional booth and beg God's forgiveness for abandoning and denying the woman who gave you life when she was at her weakest and most vulnerable. You complete and utter disgrace of a human being.

Is this how Joe tries to justify his hand outs

gotta "earn" that paycheck somehow

Time to report and get Joe and pedo Anthony kicked off Twitter.

9 not 13

3 was the most recent one.

It's certainly interesting how a grown man with a young daughter apparently has no problem with his younger brother openly groaning in unrestrained lust over the mere mention of an underage female. As we all know this is not mere speculation or something that allegedly happened once, as Anthony Cumia has openly and proudly boasted about his sexual attraction to minors many, many times, including doing so on a nationally broadcasted radio program. One has to assume that Moo-Cow Joe is OK with this and has no qualms about accepting money from such a man, which indicates complicity at best and his full endorsement of such behavior at worst.