Did Kyle or Joe get the last sub banned?

21  2019-08-27 by TR4UM4T1Z3D

Also fuck reddit for having no spine against the most obviously fake dmca claims ever submitted


Most likely Joe. The false DMCAs pile up too quickly and Reddit gets tired of dealing with it

Shouldn't the admins be smart enough to know that an obviously photoshopped hot dog pic isn't somebody's intellectual property?

I don't think they care tbh, they'd rather just delete the sub so they don't have to deal with the hassle of it

Yeah, they don't even check. It's some intern just clicking a button. And nearly all of what is deleted from the site is posted by people like us, or people on the far right, neither of which will ever garner any sympathy.

The false DMCAs pile up too quickly and Reddit gets tired of dealing with it

And that's not gonna stop you Cumia hating circle jerking retards from doing the exact same thing to this sub that you've done to all those others. We had a safe space for making fun of Pat and now all you dumb faggots are gonna call needless attention here. I used to love r/OnA, now I can't stand you autistic fuckers.

There's always another sub to go to. Get a hold of yourself for fuck's sake.

Oh great, another sub full of the same fucking photoshops and played out jokes at the expense of the Cumias. Just what I always wanted!

Why not post the type of content you want to see then to get other people on board with you? We still post about Fatrick here

Fuck off and finish sucking your mother's dick then

This place is making the exact same Patrick jokes and using the exact same photoshops from the original sub.


Idk man. I'm burnt out on Joe/Ant posting as well, but right now seeing them littered about along with Fatrick posts is refreshing. It's like how things used to be before mods cucked out.

The sub will definitely get removed now, but hopefully people are wise enough to reject any new sub modded by any of the faggots that want to censor content. It should be obvious by now it doesn't do shit but make the posting predictable and gay.

Then go away and we'll all be happier

Hughezy has been talking about what a cesspool this place is. He is happy yukking it up with known paedophiles and racists but is deeply offended by this subreddit in its many forms.

He has a "friendship" with Kyle and James Hefner (fair usage) so just because I will throw his name into the ring.

Yeh, Hughzy fukkin stinks.

I understand him going for a friendly softball interview with Landau / Cumia, but the level of ass-kissing is sickening, & he edited/bleeped-out the only interesting things Joe said, luckily I've saved the original for use in transformative works.

His position is a strange one. He totally detests "snowflakes" but he is probably the biggest one I have come across.

He denies he made any edits to the show. I couldn't watch it to confirm he did or didn't. But when he was asked when he has James Hefner back on the show would he ask him about the sub... He said why would he? Pussy.

Has Kyle actually said he's proactively doing anything, or just celebrated like usual?

That lisping coon wanted us to get shutdown a few subs back.

I hear Mushmouth has a big giant Samoan wife who beats him and they both piss in a hole in the floor of their doublewide.