What's that? You only have 14 twitter followers? Back to obscurity for you!

112  2018-03-17 by TheWelfareMan


Fuckin’ ghoul.

Your girlfriend doesn't have a cock? loser

You know the location of your firearms? Bye bye

Reminder: He took this and thought it looked good enough to post.

And it’s always the weirdest looking ones too Like the angle is off. And he’s ugly...

He's fucking repulsive.

You have never gotten fucked by a tranny? into obscurity you go!

I just checked. He pays at the minimum, a hundred bucks at John Sahag for that rats nest.

Likes crossdressers and looks like the crossdresser from MASH.

Ant personalizing each and every Twitter block with a DM is the cutest and saddest thing ever.

Ant personalizing each and every Twitter block with a DM is the cutest and saddest thing ever.

This may be the only context Anthony has ever been described as 'cute'.

He’s got an emoji for all of us

Right? I kept going after Kim Kardashian on Twitter for a while; saying things like "I wish those Frenchies who tied you up and took all your stuff had raped you," etc. She never acknowledged me; not so much as a block. I was actually more angry being ignored than if she blocked me.

Eventually, I just gave up and started sending obscene messages to girls I went to college with but who never gave me the time of day. They block, let me tell you.

But I had received a personalized message right before a block from Kim or any of those girls? It would make my fucking WEEK because I'd know I really got under their skin.

I have 20 alts in case I get banned for some bullshit. How the fuck can I accumulate followers if I do that?

damn i tried making a new account just now, they asked me for a cellphone number, screw that

What a horrendously ugly fuck

NAMBLA publicity shot

There are men that don’t really need the hair restoration, and can save a couple thousand shekels.

Anthony is the complete opposite of those men.

Cripes, he's monstrous! I bet children run away from him on sheer instinct. Black-toothed ghoul.

Nosferatu lookin ass.

Heh, jokes on (((him))). I don't have 14 followers. I have 88 of them.

twitter followers

Opie has radio listeners, that's why he's still in radio.

damn @AnthonyCumiaxyz blocked me, i barely even tweet, i wonder what happened. Kind of sucks.

God I really hate this old creepy ass kid rapist.

Anthony you admittedly have more Twitter followers than I'll ever have but atleast the skin on my face isn't comparable to the surface of the moon.


CM looking for new platforms... I'll let myself out.

Anthony! You're gir...well, just you. WOOF

What. A


He looks like one of the rapists from the last house on the left http://jarviscity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Last-House-On-the-Left-1972.jpg

What the fuck is with his dentures! It looks like he still had his baby teeth.

He used to be funny.

He is terribly unpleasant to look at.

You visited your dying mother? Fuck off!

That's what Anthony Weiner can expect to look like in 30 years. If he's not shanked in the can first.

Thought he was the king of obscurity these days?

This silly lookin night think he cute.

Lol. He blocked me a few months back for saying I miss the old show and hope the he and the others are doing well since I don’t subscribe due to not having the money. Made me lose all respect for him.

What a horrifying person he is. He looks like the bad man in every after school special ever made.

Showin of the veneers? I see you Antwan

As of today, I officially have more twitter followers than Anthony.

Anthony; keep your hair buzz cut short, and grow the goddamn beard/goatee back already. Enough of this chicanery.

damn i tried making a new account just now, they asked me for a cellphone number, screw that