This man has no dignity.

88  2019-09-08 by cumiawatch


And no job

Dis nigga...

And no testosterone.

I remember seeing all the pics where Hendrix had a gigantic fro with camo pants and Nike shoes. So authentic!

I remember those too! What I don't remember is Jimi having such an ample ass. Very unmanly!

Joseph Colleen Cumia is literally in blackface with this shit. Fucking despicable.

That was Jimi's little-remembered "huge tits" phase, when a lot of the best players from the 1960s scene began sporting humongous man-hooters. Clapton used to have a jaunty pair of DDs and Jeff Beck's man-cans grew so large he eventually needed spinal surgery.

He does these impersonations...I swear, you'd think it was the real people.

I have to assume he decided to wear the retarded costume to draw attention away from his sloppy shortcut-laden playing, as those who thought it was some sort of racist parody band might forgive his mediocrity more readily than they ordinarily would. Good plan.

WHAT. So this isn’t a photoshop?!?

Joseph "Coal-leen" Cumia

Plenty of nignity tho

I refuse to think Joe is real. I’m just waiting for the blackface and fat suit to be removed and Martin Short pops out.

I’m really sorry to comment on here 3 times but the pic is so ridiculous and funny. I wish we could put this on the sidebar.

When I was... a nigger...

Why is his tongue out?

Cows have large, stupid tongues, its hard for them to keep contained

Its only ever totally self unaware bar band guitarists who gurn and screw up their faces while playing...

Haha this is hilarious. Joe please never stop.

No Digna tea

The Color Purple Haze

Fun fact: Hendrix was an actual paratrooper unlike the lying bovine boomer

Hendrix also had less black blood and more white blood than Joe.