Just a reminder that Joe essentially performs in blackface for his "Hendrix Brothers" band

55  2019-09-08 by JamesHeifer


That is fucking awful.

  1. That might be the worse drumming I’ve ever heard.

  2. Joe is playing note for note from the record, not adding anything spontaneous to the songs; which is what Hendrix’s style and songs are all about.

  3. Oh my god is he actually wearing camo pants?

  4. The Hendrix estate is super bad about people using Hendrix’s image. I wonder if they know a card carrying racist is playing the late Jimi Hendrix’s tunes?


Violent pan-wielding pedophile

I didn't make it all the way through and it sounds like it gets toned down (slightly) at some point, but at 0:25 when Joe's vocals come in, it's everything about Joe that's fucking gay.

Why in the name of holy FUCK is he sending his vocals through a delay? Ant's allowance afforded him another DIGITECH pedal that he just had to put to use? He did the same thing with his shit acoustic cover of In The Air Tonight. That song's vocal processing is so strongly tied to its sound and quality that getting it down is almost essential to a successful recreation. The only other option is doing something completely different with the song.

There's more to it, but at its core, it's a gated reverb. What did Joe do? He thought he could just use any effect on his vocals as long as it was prominent. He threw his vocals through a delay (like here), with the delay time set to whatever the fuck he felt like, but he made sure it was uncomfortably long and out of time. Then he slapped some cheap-sounding harmonizer on it which sounded like absolute shit. The only other thing that defines "In The Air Tonight" is the drum fill and Joe redefined the word "botched" with his rendition.

Please find me a recording where Hendrix used a delay like this on his vocals or explain to me why Joe would have used it here. In fact, find me any example where someone did this and it didn't suck. If you're totally OK with being completely mediocre, just do that. Learn the lyrics and the guitar tabs and stick to it. Any time Joe takes any creative liberties, you immediately see why he never made it past playing other people's music.

Jimi used a flanger sometimes, maybe even a chorus at times but I can't think of any time he used delay on his voice.

Joe's the kind of lazy player that just goes 'eh, good enough'. His guitar tone is awful throughout this video too.

You can hear the laziness throughout. Yes, he's playing the song adequately and sticking to the melody pretty faithfully but it's noticeably "dumbed down" and simplified as much as possible. There's no moment where you say wow, he's really wailing right there, it's just as generic as can be. He does the obligatory facial expressions and the guitar hero "flair" moves to give the impression of virtuosity but that's all it is, an impression. I mean it's OK for amateur weekend hobbyists but pretending it's more than that is delusional.

The only other thing that defines "In The Air Tonight" is the drum fill and Joe redefined the word "botched" with his rendition.

You don't think awkwardly tapping your acoustic guitar is an accurate representation of the drum solo? Nyeeehehehehehehe.




Cowboy gays, all around. Big Apple Ranch on the south side of town. Don’t admit it, to those Reddit fiends Even though i’m always on my knees.

I can't believe this is real.

who requests these faggots?

Nobody. That’s a promo video. At some point he did “white Hendrix” because someone presumably told him to knock it off with the shoe polish bullshit.

Amateur guitar players in cover bands HATE it when you tell them that their playing, while no doubt competent and adequate, fails to capture the nuance, detail and zazz that makes the originals so special, which is exactly why they're in cover bands and not creating their own guitar music that people will want to hear many years from now. When you point out that the contrived guitar faces and guitar "flair" moves fail to fully compensate for the audible shortcuts they rely upon they likewise get very upset and tell you that you're a jealous moron who doesn't know what you're talking about.

But that doesn't change the fact that most guitar players who find themselves in cover bands tend to be on the lazy side and never really pushed themselves musically like actual great guitar players did, preferring to master the familiar through sheer repetition as opposed to wanting to create and innovate. Yes, the notes are correct and sound like an accurate representation of the original but no one's going to confuse it for the real thing. You can try to make McDonald's french fries at home and you can swear up and down they're exactly the same as McDonald's but they're not and deep down you know it too.

Why he chose the embarrassing blackface and wig is a real mystery though. It'd be like if you did a "loving tribute to Elvis" where you shot morphine and ate Tuinals on stage. I assume Joe thought it'd be a "funny and wacky" visual but it just detracts from the music and makes him look foolish and reliant on a cheap crutch instead of talent.

I’m a mere civilian but if u were for some reason going to write a joke about how gay cover bands are

It'd be like if you did a "loving tribute to Elvis" where you shot morphine and ate Tuinals on stage”

Include that in it. Gave me lol.

Well, doing a "loving tribute" to Hendrix where you dress like a stereotypical Negro character is a weird way to show affection IMO. It'd be like a Soundgarden cover band opening the show by having the singer lowered on a noose. I mean I get why he does it...it distracts the listener from the subpar quality of the music...but still.

Fuckin knocked it out of the park god damn it

Jim well steal this now. Good going, buddy.

Fuck you’re right Roe. Got any coke?

Acting AND musicianship.

Why are the wigs so huge?

Trying to make his gut look thinner though a proportional optical illusion.

Didn't work, though.

Just made him look like a big fat retard. So no change.

What. The. Fuck.

This is embarrassingly bad. They are like audible AIDS

This really sucks. He must have been too fucking lazy to listen to the numerous live Hendrix tapes. Typical Nigger Joe.

This is embarrassingly bad in every way.

Joe Cumia The Ultimate Loser

Thank you! Glad to see someone else agrees with my assessment.

This is the fattest Joe has ever looked. Look at his huge gut and double chin. Also notice how he edits the video to cut to a new song when he starts playing like shit. Jimi Hendrix is spinning in his grave projectile vomiting.

And the wind



Eek. Did he Rachel Dolezol his hands too?

How does a black man wear black face?

Joe is such a colossal buffoon. You could never write a character this stupid if you wanted to.

I tapped out half way through the solo in the Wind Cries Mary.

While he is playing mostly note for note, Joe’s chops lacks the electricity and power that Hendrix’s playing exuded. For example, Joe really needs to concentrate on perfecting his vibrato if he wants to give off that Hendrix vibe. The difference is night and day if you listen to the opening solos of All Along The Watchtower, in particular.

Also, Joe’s improvisations lack any drive, and really make Jimi’s music sound amateurish and tame to the non-fan.

Just really, really mediocre "musicianship" all round.

The really hilarious part is how fucking awful and amateurish the whole thing is. It looks like a takeoff, like one of Spinal Tap's phases that was left on the editing suite floor.

And Joe is fat. Really fat. I never noticed how thick his thighs and ass were before. Very womanly, but not in a good way. He's giving Dante Nero a run for his money as 1st place in the Guy With A Body Most Like A Ghanaian Matriarch competition.

Never seen this before. This is refreshingly gay, tyfys.

One brother did cringe radio, the other brother does cringe music.

Both of them are pedophiles.

I thought he had retired his Black Parade vest. Guess not.

"Hello China? I need to take a left handed guitar and flip it the opposite way Jimi did, you know, for authenticity. also, can you make it so my sausage fingers don't fuck up those famous licks? You can't? Ok, I'll work it out myself."

This fucking prick, whenever he played like this

Blackface isn't racist if it's a black man wearing it, so James gets a pass this time.

Nice bowleggedness, stupid.

Wow, that is embarrassing almost to BOC levels.

Lol, he just said "Fuck it" halfway through the costume.

He dragged Retarded David Letterman into this mess as well???

Why would you make a promo video showing what you can do live and then add things in post? There’s no one playing tambourine or the vibroslap. Fucking idiots.

said the junkie to the thief?

way to keep it Cumia you dumb faggot

He made a correction to the lyrics. Joe knows a fuck ton more about lyrics than that Dylan libtard.

He painted his hands brown too.

And I bet some of my successful younger brother’s money that he is wearing his Call of Duty shirt under that outfit still.