Reminder: Keith publicly begged Anthony to get back together with Opie...but Compound Media is doing great!

36  2019-09-07 by bovinebrain


Erik looks like a swollen mess in the background. Nigga has to have severe hypertension.

How he hasn't lost a foot to diabetes by now for being such a fat pig is beyond anyone's guess.

No chance. Opie is out of the Cumia business.

Is that Travis there? I thought Travis is working with Mongrel and Worm?

No, that's some other creepy beta-male geek.


Is there one guy at compound media who isn't either fucking obese or skinny-fat? Just seems like everyone involved has the physique of a character in the cartoon Pelswick.

The mere mention of his old broadcast partner has him grabbing for his trusty beer and nervously picking at his second shirt. Everything about his body language and his mannerisms scream "I want to go home, get drunk and tweet".

That’s how you executive produce !

There are five guys loitering in that control room, and only one of them (the guy switching between cameras) needs to be there.

Nice payroll, stupid.

They should get back together just so Opie can give Felicia daily anxiety again.