You work for me now, little ones

1  2019-09-17 by Somerville_Dan



We're not putting in the effort.

Point at his fat face is the face when Patrick does anything

"I grabbed your child by the diaper and make them sit here," the childless butter huffer said, pointing at his own face. "His squirming for hours was ecstasy on my boyish peach fuzz mustache and there's not a thing you can do about it, dear. Toodles!"

"He was also young."

Where do I send my invoice? Hooligans?

I’m using reverse psychology, child

Me be smart, child. My last wife was lying to me and herself when she said she was never attracted to me, child.

Literally nobody has ever come here to stand up for you, Patrick. Because you're a joke.

I guess pats never heard of child labor laws

Nice comma where you shouldn't have one, "Professional Writer."

Your writing career is nothing but a money-laundering front courtesy of Tor Books so people like your friend Cat Rambo can rape kidnapped children at a Gencon after-party like passing a snack tray. When a father thinks about what he prays his son will never become, you are what he envisions.

And you work for us, faggot. It pleases me that you'll never forget that.

my new boss is a lardass.

I'm so confused, does she really have something we should learn from this? Or do you think she just mindlessly used that phrase and then when asked "learn what" would just blabber some nonsense of the top of her head "that bullying doesn't work and it's always better to live your life not being mean cause if you cant do that then you should just be quiet"

Unless you're the right kind of bully, of course. Then you're righteous.

Oh in due time my little cinnamon toast crunch child. In due time.

A nigga's ribs...

Who? That name sounds like a miserable dying dog.

When you come out of those uptempo goddamn numbers, it's impossible to make those transitions...

Ponderous, man, fuckin ponderous. And what happened to those pictures I was supposed to see?!

Just start posting photos of his actual tweets and selfies to the poor bastards who bought his lies for a moment.

Child labour

Get it gang