Patrick, we're getting your guns taken away child.

1  2019-09-16 by TakePatricksGuns

Violent mysoginists dont get to be armed, sweetie


That video of him shooting and admitting to violent behavior needs to be pinned again. We really don't know when this guy is going to flip out and hurt innocent people. He is the best defense for enstating red flag laws nationally.

CNN told me the real threat of violence in America was a fat Midwestern white guy. I didn't realize they meant specifically Patrick

He's not fat, little one.

No, child, you're not.

And you might want to learn how to spell misogynist if you want your fake accusation to stick.


Adrienne's pussy gets annihilated nightly.

Adrienne's pussy gets annihilated nightly.

Adrienne's pussy gets annihilated nightly.

What's the problem, you said on Twitter--you know, that thing you love more than your daughter--that you'd have no problem giving up your guns. And we all know you never lie, right?

Red flag laws are coming, nigga.

None of which will apply to me, because none of you have any standing to make a report.

You're very stupid, children.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do, child. You will lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick. And the funniest part is you'll lay down and say goodbye to them with zero resistence, just like you did to your daughter. Because you're a bitch made, fat lying pussy who can't do anything but talk shit over the internet.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do, child. You will lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick. And the funniest part is you'll lay down and say goodbye to them with zero resistence, just like you did to your daughter. Because you're a bitch made, fat lying pussy who can't do anything but talk shit over the internet.

RealMilwaukeePolice you are an abhorsomely dreary misadventure!

RealMilwaukeePolice you are an abhorsomely dreary misadventure!

RealMilwaukeePolice you are an abhorsomely dreary misadventure!


Another day of Patrick responding.

Tell us again how we don't bother you, and that you are winning, child.

Tell Niki "hi" for me šŸ˜Ž

It would be a shame if people reported you over and over just to see.

Actually, it would be delightful, because the police will ask for your real names, contact info, your relationship to me, and specific details of either violence, or credible threats.

None of which any of you have, or will be willing to provide.

Sorry, kiddo. Did you really think Red Flag laws let an internet hate mob of anonymous cowards get a court injunction against a real person?

I'm constantly amazed at how utterly stupid every last one of you are.

I'd gladly give them my information, what do I care? It's not illegal to tell the cops you think someone is a threat.

Pardon my language but you're acting like a real dum dum.

I am also taking your wife, and we are also going to take Hooligans and your Twitter away. And of course, you will fight harder to regain the bar and your Twitter than you ever did for your daughter.

"I'm constantly amazed at how utterly stupid every last one of you are", says the guy who can't help himself from constantly coming here and commenting. If we're so stupid, what's that say about you, for constantly and willingly immersing your sizable frame into the thick of it?

Napoleon Bonaparte best described the life of Patrick S Tomilson when he said, "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever".

Die fat about it.

No, child. You will not accomplish a single one of those things. you will fail, as you always an only do. It's your mission in life to fail.

And coming here says I enjoy watching the people who wished for my death failing at everything, over and over and over again.

No one ever sent you death threats, you sympathy-starved idiot.

[...] "as you always an only do" [...]

Mr. Professional Writer's 2nd simple misspelling of less than 30 minutes.

And I bet that you never thought that you would lose Adrienne, or your Twitter the 1st time. How'd that work for you? Your self delusion is what makes it so simple to take these things away from you. History has a way of repeating itself, child. And women don't tend to like being made to play 2nd fiddle to a dying social media platform or a shitty dive bar.

And you keep coming here because your insecurities compel you to see what is being said about you now, and to try and vainly refute it. Normal, mentally healthy men don't obsess about what other people are saying about them, or take unflattering shirtless and naked selfies.

I, personally, don't want you to ever die. Having an lolcow like you who is so easily compelled to react is far too entertaining! I can't wait until Nikki and I are in bed together, shitposting and watching you come unglued as you always predictably do!

We already took your Twitter away from you, we still have your blue checkmark taken from you and Jonathan took your wife and child from you. Stop living in denial, fatcuck bloblinson.

Nobody sent you death threats. That's a crock of shit. You say that to get attention ans sympathy, and to discredit us. It's completely false and it says a lot about how desperate and pathetic you are.

You shouldn't be so sure of all that you just said, Patrick. You don't know what you're talking about. You're on several peoples radars. People than can and will take the steps required to get dangerous weapons out of your hands. I promise you that.

Never forget, Fatrick has claimed that he had WHITE SUPREMACISTS come to his house, angry about his highly effective political firebranding. He has never proved this, has been challenged over and over to do so, and inevitably just blocks people who bring it up.

This is the same guy who claims, against all video evidence of the event, that NAZIS chanting for "Blood and Soil" in his face at Worldcon. This, despite the fact that the video shows him leaning against a fence and occasionally chuckling in the general direction of anti-pedophilia protesters.


Except you can send anonymous tips to police you fucking idiot.

Also here's you threatening to shoot people like a unhinged lunatic.

Anonymos tips cannot trigger a Red Flag injunction, child.

You're just stupid.

Yes it can fat tits. Senator Feinstein's proposed gun bill does exactly that. Kinda embarrassing how stupid you are, yikes!

Learn how to spell "anonymous" if you want your lies to be taken seriously

Anonymos tips cannot trigger a Red Flag injunction, child.

You're just stupid.

Nice spelling of "anonymous", professional writer.

Go ahead and edit it. Thanks for the screenshot.

You might want to learn how to spell anonymous if you want your cries to the police to even be heard. And by the way, say bye bye to your stupid little cosplay mall ninja guns. Because you'll be losing them.

Yeah how a fat psycho loser who's not responsible enough to raise his own daughter can own multiple assault rifles? it doesn't make sense.

Patrick is the exact type to go on a shooting spree. He's a white, armed, political extremist obsessed with chasing fame. His books are obvious failures. He wants to be remembered for something. And he obviously enjoys negative attention. I wouldn't put it past him to go out ans do something evil in a fit of impotent manchild rage. It seriously makes me feel ill. I just pray whatever happens, nobody is hurt and that police or a good guy with a gun is there to stop any tragedy that could potentially occur.

Yes, I bet he got his manifesto ready.

"The age of consent and its consequences haveĀ been a disaster forĀ theĀ human race."

I can't wait for the most poorly written, hacky manifesto ever.

"He was also young"

Still fat always fat

Lol! Mr. Tor Books Genius here misspelled ā€œanonymousā€ mere moments after correcting someone elseā€™s spelling. I almost choked here reading that.

This shit writes itself. Bravo, Fatrick, for being the most embarrassing LOLcow of all time. Iā€™ll make a medal for you. You can put it next to your participant medal from the Brewers Half-Marathon, child. Do they give out participant medals to guys in the bottom 10%?

Please never die or are entertainment at its finest!!

Oh sweety, how wrong you are...

Fatrick your ignorance and stupidity never ceases to amaze

Don't forget his fatness, child

Dude the police will not ever care about you. They laugh at you.

Your stupidity gives us hours of entertainment, child.

Fat. Closeted. Delusional. Fat. Autistic. Hideous. You.

So so so so so when you say "test me" in response to someone saying not to shoot people, because you believe violence is justifiable since the POTUS is a foreign agent and we're supposedly at war, that isn't a credible threat? I'd call that a red flag myself.

Unless, of course, you're admitting that you're a larping fat faggot, and pandering to angry liberal mods on Twitter. I can already see you being interviewed by the police and breaking down, saying it's all just an act to drive book sales, and you don't truly believe the shit you spew.

I'm constantly amazed at how utterly stupid every last one of you are.

Coming from a person who has to respond to any of this nonsense...over and over and over again.

Poor Fat Pat. He's so dumb he thinks his superiors are dumber than him because he can't understand them. What a miserable land of confusion he lives in.

LOL this nigga thinks he can go to the police because people click "Report" on his posts on a website and he's amazed at how stupid OTHER people are!! You're either dumb enough to actually believe this or you're dumb enough to think it makes a remotely convincing bluff.

What do you think the police would say to all your tweets basking them when they look at your online footprint, dummy?

Actually, child, they do. You repeatedly make violent threats to people online, you speak of engaging in violent action for social and political change, and post pictures online of your weapons telling people to "come get it".

You are a terrorist in the making, and the number one reason why this country needs stronger gun control. Someone like you shouldn't have ever been able to purchase guns in the first place, because you're one hat away from being another Elliot Rodger. When a real man comes along and takes your second wife like Jon did Adrienne, I don't want to think of what you're capable of unleashing on the public.

Until we have common sense gun control, do the right thing and surrender your weapons to the authorities. I don't want to see innocent people get hurt by you. And stay away from country music festivals.

Patrick, you're not that far offfrom commiting a mass shooting. Look at your posts, you're unhinged, violent in your rhetoric, and you have admitted to dehumanizing other groups of people.

I'm pro 2A, but you clearly should not be armed.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do. You'll lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do. You'll lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do, child. You will lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick. And the funniest part is you'll lay down and say goodbye to them with zero resistence, just like you did to your daughter. Because you're a bitch made, fat lying pussy who can't do anything but talk shit over the internet.

Yes, they will, and yes, we do, child. You will lose your guns. Trust me on that, Patrick. And the funniest part is you'll lay down and say goodbye to them with zero resistence, just like you did to your daughter. Because you're a bitch made, fat lying pussy who can't do anything but talk shit over the internet.





Your unhinged statements encouraging violence online are enough, child.

Youā€™re very stupid, Patrick.

Hay u/patrickstomlinson, how does it feel knowing 16.9 thousand people who have no idea about this sub feel exactly the same about you as we do after only looking at a picture and an example of your tough-guy keyboard-warrior talk? Faggot.

are you autistic?

i could accuse you of perpetrating the Armenian genocide and you would unironically go "i'm not even Turkish, child"


Oh, yes we are taking your guns away, sweetie. And you're not gonna do anything about it, you petulant child. A mentally unstable person like you does not need access to any guns. Period.

What do think you even need a gun for anyways? You don't hunt. You live in a cramped urban area where multiple people could be hit with a spare round.

What are you even gonna do with your cheap little semi auto p90 mall ninja style cosplayer gun? Fight back against a tyrannical government? Because you're not fit enough to win a fist fight or finish a marathon, let alone a shootout with trained soldiers. You're fucking delusional if you think otherwise. But we already know that.

You will lose your guns, child. Mark my words.

No, child. You're not. Because I'm not mentally unstable in any way. You're going to fail at this, just like you've failed at every other dumbass plan you've come up with to take anything from me.

Shall we go down the list?

Take my Twitter: Failed. Take my FB: Failed. Take my IG: Failed. Get my publisher to drop me: Failed. Get me removed from TV: Failed. Get me banned from Hooligans: Failed. Get Me banned from my gym: Failed. Get my wife to leave me: Failed. Get me to commit suicide: Failed.

Nothing you do ever works, child. You only lose.

My guns are staying right here with me, sweetie, and there's nothing you will ever be able to do about it.

How can we get you banned from your gym if you never go?

Your IG isn't worth taking away, with it's average of 3 or less likes a post. But as for your wife, your Twitter and Hooligans....?

Just wait and see, child. šŸ˜Ž


I don't have to wait and see, child. My wife wouldn't touch any of you with anything except a collapsible baton, Hooligans thinks you're all pathetic jokes, and you've been trying in vain to get my twitter suspended again for two solid months without so much as a temporary lock to show for your efforts.

You are impotent, child. That's not going to change in the future. Nothing you want will ever happen.

Fuck you fat faggot. The only impotent one here is you

Again, projecting.

Also, was that a physical threat in there?


No, you are the impotent one, child. You're a human doormat. You signed away parental rights to your own daughter.

I'm sure the staff at Hooligans thinks very highly of you, Patty. Since you're always in there getting drunk alone and stuffing your fat face. Do you even think before you say shit on here? I mean come on.

It's funny to fuck with your Twitter because you obviously care about it so much. You care about it more than your own daughter. Did you hire lawyers to try and get custody of her? No, you didn't. But you did to get your Twitter back. A 40 year old man, paying lawyers to get his Twitter back, yet at the same time didn't give a shit about keeping his daughter, and signed away parental rights.

You are pathetic, child. You're a shameful excuse for a father and son. And husband evidently.

How's your good friend pedophilia-defender Cat Rambo?

Hey Pat, just a few questions.

Why did you quit the Brewers mini marathon?

Why your book is ranked at almost #1,000,000 on amazon?

Why do you support Scientology?

Why are you drinking and driving?

Mate, if she willingly slept with the likes of you, then I am an absolute shoo-in! She'll jump at the opportunity to know what it feels like to be valued more than Twitter and a dive bar, and not be lectured about "Nazi incels, child" day in and out. Plus, for a change, she'll have someone actually contributing to the house! MORE FACTS You lost your 1st wife, you'll lose your second and better wife

The staff at Hooligans makes fun of you behind your back

Jim Norton's Chip Chipperson bullshit has a larger and more devoted fanbase than you will ever have

Kavanaugh never signed away the rights to his offspring, child. YOU ARE LITERALLY WORSE THAN KAVANAUGH

Every member of this sub is beautiful, no matter what lies you say. Inside but more importantly on the outside.

We try not to bodyshame others around these parts. It really just comes across as mean, unnecessary, and quite frankly racist and homophobic considering the diversity here.

Imagine caring this much about a gay sports bar, LOL. I got news for you, Pat. Bartenders half your age, and bartenders raising a child on a single income (because of men like you who don't support their kids), do not like barflys. They talk shit about you with the beaners who cook your wings, and they talk shit about you among themselves while pouring drinks. Right once the doors are closed, you're another annoying faggot patron they complain about.

No one cares about your hot takes or faggot books. You are a "that guy." That guy you regret inviting some place because you never shut the fuck up about politics. That guy who randomly ruins moments by taking pictures for Instagram. That guy who has to interject on topics with his shallow understanding and still be the expert. That guy who takes a fucking laptop to a bar waiting for anyone to ask him what he's writing.

You have no friends, and everyone, including Nikki and your parents, hate you.

Die fat about it.

This is a lie. My close friend Carol Maxheinie got a 12 hour lock on you after you pathetically cried to Twitter and got reinstated in spite of your history of violence and misogyny. You are a liar. Carol has the receipts.

Keep raging, little one. In time you'll see how very wrong you are.

You had no problem handing over your daughter. I'm sure whenever they come to pick up your guns, which they most certainly will be, you'll comply with whatever the fuck they say. Because you're a fake tough guy, Pat. You couldn't do anything with your guns anyways, except go out and kill innocent unarmed people. That's literally the only reason you have them. So shut the fuck up, child. Mentally sound adults can, and will decide to disarm you because you're a threat to society. Cry about it, Patso. You made your bed, now lie in it.n

Still not raging, child. I'm not mad at you. I'm entertained by you. Your impotence and constant failure is very funny to me.

Continue to avoid addressing your daughter, impotent one.

Notice that /u/patrickstomlinson always avoids comments about his daughter. This is because he avoids her in real life too. He is an absolute deadbeat. Literally worse than Joe Cumia.

Notice that /u/patrickstomlinson always avoids comments about his daughter.

Notice he also always avoids questions about his friendship with Cat Rambo, who publicly denied the horrific allegations of a victim of child rape; Fatrick himself called this poor woman, Moira Greyland, a liar.


(Except Moira Greyland and my cunt ex wife Adrienne, child)

And his daughter who says she wants to meet him.

Sure it is, child. I'm sure you're not a fat, seething loser who reads our forum every day desperately trying to censor it from Reddit. You've failed miserably, by the way. For over 10 months. Die fat about it, sweety.

Whether you're entertained or raging, either way you spend far too much time on social media for an adult man.

you're so mad, dude. it's not even funny. wait a min... it is funny lol

tell adrienne i said whats up. she can call me whenever she's looking for a REAL man, child.


you're obsessively posting in a subreddit called starship pedo which features crude drawings of you covered in cum

like dude its hilarious that you're even subjecting yourself to that, let alone everything else

We dedicate a few minutes out of our day to fuck with you. You on the other hand, have dedicated your life in an impotent attempt to defeat us. Much like Trump, we always win.

Wrong again, child. I spend a few minutes a day beating you. Collectively, you spend many, many hours a day failing to hurt me.

You lose. I win. Every single time.

Show me your sweaty fat tits, Patrick.

You lose. I win. Every single time

Except when debating four-foot-nothing nerdy Jewish dudes who you then proceed to block after they dunk on you.

Or when parenting.

Or running a marathon.

Or holding gainful employment.

Or selling books.

Or writing, which you are laughably bad at.

Or looking tough, which over 17,000 random strangers pointed out.

Id say you are Rupert Pupkin, but only if Rupert Pupkin was a RAGING, condescending asshole.

And even then I think Rupert could come up with cleverer responses than "I know you are but what am I, child"

Oh honey, don't forget to make your IG private before you tuck yourself in tonight. I cannot tell you how happy it makes all of us that you have chosen to make us a part of your daily routine. Thanks for the shoutout on twitter too, child.

You already lost, Patrick. Your weak ass nonexistent career was ended by your own stupidity. Nobody knows or cares who you are, and you squandered every opportunity for upward mobility. Ben Shapiro would have debated you on your idiotic abortion experiment, significantly increasing your exposure, but you squandered that by blocking him and calling him a Nazi. Now even Jordan Peterson is taking shots at you.

You are obsessed with us, Fatrick. Thatā€™s why you constantly tweet out our troll posts (including pictures of you getting peed and shit on, and drinking cum, including obvious troll posts that you probably made yourself by people with usernames like ā€œI RAPE AND JILL NIGGERS). You try to hard to be the poster child for internet trolling because itā€™s the only way to save your dead career. Unfortunately, you are a cis white male and it doesnā€™t work like that. Chop your cock and become a trans woman and maybe theyā€™ll bite.

You have never beaten anything, you obese talentless faggot. It takes 30 seconds to set up new subs. Youā€™re a retard who chooses to continue engaging us so you deserve the bashing.

Wrong, we goof on you and have a good laugh and your oversized ego canā€™t handle it. It drives you nuts that anyone doesnā€™t think youā€™re some incredibly successful writer and political genius. You provide hours of unintentional comedy due to your lack of awareness, child. We laugh and win while you complain all day on twitter to your small following.

Lol fat bitch boy is losing his mind over this shit


This retard really is like Bobo šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

I'm not fat alroit.

Keep Adrienne from leaving you for a better man: Failed.

Become a worldwide literary sensation everyone is talking about: Failed.

Debate Ben Shapiro: Failed.

Get Starship Repo optioned as a motion picture: Failed.

Write a book based on your own concept and not one you stole from Will Tate: Failed.

Make friends with people who don't molest children at sci-fi conventions: Failed.

Lol are you implying if police or the military came to confiscate your guns because of your mental instability, that'd you'd be able to stop them? Because you wouldn't, child.

Get you to spend hours of your day filing DMCA requests and being forced to read/see the most insulting things about you: Success!

Take your Twitter: succeeded for almost a year and permanently with the two alts you made. Take your facebook: you've been suspended multiple times. Take your IG: we've never tried because we need that to make fun of your fat body in pictures you post. Get you removed from tv: nobody even watches the show you were on and they obscured your disgusting fat body with shadows. Get you banned from hooligans: the entire staff hates you but you make up half their profits due to drowning yourself in beer and barfood. Get you banned from your gym: nobody every tried that you absolute retard. We just pointed out that you're a fat delusional dope mixed in with actual fit people. Get your wife to leave you: Adrienne never respected or loved you and neither does Nikki. And as for that last one: your neck is far too fat and you're far too much of a coward.

Don't forget without us he would not have wasted thousands and thousands of dollars on lawyers (nikki's money but still)

the fact that you feel compelled to even address these ridiculous claims is hilarious as fuck

i mean in one of your posts you said "i am not a Scientologist, child"

i don't even know the context of that one, but it's hilarious that people can accuse you of anything and get you to waste your time on a denial paragraph

you're obsessed





We absolutely are taking your guns away just like we did your blue check mark and thereā€™s NOTHING you can do about it. Itā€™s for the best as you demonstrably donā€™t know how to shoot. You should be thanking us, really.


We absolutely are taking your guns away just like we did your blue check mark and thereā€™s NOTHING you can do about it. Itā€™s for the best as you demonstrably donā€™t know how to shoot. You should be thanking us, really.

We absolutely are taking your guns away just like we did your blue check mark and thereā€™s NOTHING you can do about it. Itā€™s for the best as you demonstrably donā€™t know how to shoot. You should be thanking us, really.

Did you not say that punching women in maga hats is acceptable behavior, you obese tub of shit?did daddy use to come home in his clown makeup then rough up your mother? Is that when you decided that attacking women is no big deal?

Did you not say that punching women in maga hats is acceptable behavior, you obese tub of shit?did daddy use to come home in his clown makeup then rough up your mother? Is that when you decided that attacking women is no big deal?



Hey bitch

Hey bitch

...says the professional writer who constantly misspells things.








This is Eric The Midget level of stupidity.


It's Patrick the Writer!


Patrick, is it true you assassinated JFK?



Sup Fatboy

you might want to come up with better character names than fonald plump if you want your book to sell

Take away this guy's daughter and he's fine with it, but say you'll take away his social media or his guns, 2 things that help prop up this false image of an actual tough guy, and look how he reacts.

Dance for us more you douchey pederast. Give Cat Rambo my regards at the next Gencon child-rape afterparty.

LOL your father was a rodeo clown!!!