Best look out Danny, Joe is gonna fuck you up!

1  2019-05-29 by padre-


So the coward decided to hide on Twitter instead of replying here? That is "hilarious"! u/doxxer100 is a pussy.

HE is a BAD-ASS, (sic) he said so HIMSELF!

I was thinking that😂

He's suspended

I doubt all 30 of his accounts here are suspended.

Fair point

He’s an old man who would crumble if he got punched even lightly. He’s also fat so his stamina would be about 20 seconds.

Report for targeted harrsement


u/DOXXER100 you won't do shit you pedophile-harboring pussy.

He needs to stop acting like his elderly ass is getting in anything close to resembling a fight, much less kicking anybody's ass. People his age die from a windy day.

you dont think fat, old, retarded baby boomer with alcohol and drug problems is a threat jim?

Or in his case, Windy Night at the Ranch.

Danny posts here. Why doesn't he throw down the gauntlet here?

because Joe Cumia is a giant blubbering vagina who wears orthopedic old lady nursing shoes and a non recreational diaper.

also his legs are O shaped

Nothing scarier than an out of shape physically weak old man.

Would it be for Danny's own sake?

"hey jirn do u think it would be 4 dannys own sake hehehehe"

Absolutely zero impact on their lives.

The craziest part of all this is that there's absolutely no reason for Joe to be involved in any of it. As far as I know, nobody has gone after Joe in any kind of real way for months. He just suddenly decided to show up on the sub a couple of months ago and has been completely obsessed ever since.

He chooses to make this his life. He could just ignore all of it and make his Twitter private but he can't do it. He's a 60 year old man who's desperate for attention and obsessed with internet drama.

I love the thought of him sitting in some biker bar trying to explain all of this autism to the kinds of tough guys he playacts as online.

“So then one of their mods told them to stop posting about Patrick Tomlinson and, uh - hey why are you all surrounding me?”

he's relegated to instigating fights here several nights a week because after years of drunkenly trying to explain the "online psychopath terrorists" to his biker buddies that slowly stopped inviting him to their gatherings

What else is he supposed to give his attention to? His career?

There was the audio of the phone call just before that

Did you write “impact” because you went sure to use affect or effect?

Wasn't impact the quote?

I believe it's "Absolutely zero effect."

Boy, do I have egg on my face.

No, that's just cum.


Haha or what Danny will dodge his slow-mo-Joe haymaker and he’ll fracture his pelvis?

hes gonna to stab slow mo with his jew nose

What is this outburst of pure faggotry in reference to?

Thanks little friend. Good will to you.

Holy shit, I’m completely missed this, TYFYS.

Permanently Institutionalized, the follow up to Permanently Suspended

the other way around, aug was institutionalized for biting tiny woman before Permanently Suspended

Permanently Registered (as a sex offender)

I didn't read his book, but it looked thin AF and from what I heard it was just a bunch of rehashed stories he already told on-air. I'd write a book about my 8 years there but who the fuck would want to read it.

Hi Danny yeah his book sucked it had nothing in it and he already told all the same stories on o&a ... Someone uploaded a copy on Reddit and I skimmed through it ... The o&a world is over no one cares anymore 👧🏼🎀🍒👑🌷🍬🍰

I would honestly buy that shit if you could promise that it would have a ton of hot goss!

Fat 60 year old alcoholic threatens internet man, again.

u/theblueawning, have you ever been to Joe's shitty little townhouse? Do you know if "Kurt Love" and Bobo were at Joe's in this video?

Nah, never been.

It's costs, not cost. Where did you learn your trade, you stupid fucking cunt, you idiot?

Uh, Joseph doesn't have a trade. Or any marketable skills. Or any diplomas.



post op gender

I love that Dummy refers to him by his initials as some sort of legal loophole.

haha so basically this moron u/DOXXER100 confirmed everything Danny wrote, including the measly 60k a year. Come on, Joe. You deserve more than that. He wouldn't have got that job if it wasn't for you, Joe. You're the funny one, Joe.

The shit I hated when I saw the check was that Ant was paying him as much as the producers. That's more than Sam was getting for a long while. We were waking up at 3:30am to prep (regardless of what they actually used and did) and this big 'ol jerk is getting my paycheck for being the loser older brother of the successful guy.

That shit is social welfare. Joe is so MAGA hard, meanwhile he's cashing his monthly allowance check for being a do-nothing nobody. He basically won a scratch off ticket and acts like he busted his ass for it and that he actually DESERVES it. He wants the life, but doesn't want to do anything to earn it. I'm sure he hates the idea of Universal Basic Income, but he sure does cash those Anthony checks every month!

Anyway, I'll change the subject. Joe, what's it like dating a leather handbag?

Crypt keeper..

Joe bragged on the old sub that thing he sticks his dick in is a squirter. He actually thought we'd be impressed by and jealous of that. As you can imagine the entire sub collectively puked when reading it.

It's like when Steve C would run around bragging about fucking a "ten". His wife looked like Nicole Bass.

Still talking shit about the dead, huh? You just can't let it go.

Right, because this place is just founded in respect.

We don't shit talk dead people that we knew, you fucking retard.

No, you just promote lies and attempt to ruin peoples lives.

GTFO with your holier than thou shtick.

You mean like you're doing right now? I keep all my shit to the sub, you're actively opening yourself up to lawsuits (which is ironic considering how you people love litigation).

What lawsuits? lol.

Steve was a great dude but a shit EP and I didn't mind telling him so. And yeah, you punch me in the face at work, on the clock, you bet your ass there's lawsuits a flying. Why do you think he didn't? Shinkle 'bout it..

Such a great dude that you shit talk him while he's in the grave. You're a bigger worm than The Worm. Not surprising, considering what you are. And I said "opening yourself up to lawsuits", stupid. I know when you hear the word "lawsuit" your dick becomes erect, but it hasn't happened yet, so settle down.

Steve gave up and killed himself. Patrice ate himself to literal death.

I think I'm coming out on top here.

And now you're dissing Patrice? You people really have no morals or standards. I can't wait until this sub sends you to the nuthouse again, Dovid.

The guy never put money in my pocket. WTF are you talking about.

Oh, he didn't have you on his show? Yeah, ok.

That was ME putting money in HIS pocket you incredible idiot.

Because we all know who the real talent is, Daniel Ben Dovid! Fucking delusional.

Let me explain to you how Patrice's show worked.

I would schedule it. I was paid a salary. Coming in on Saturday nights did nothing for my bottom line.

Patrice however, was paid for his time. Every time I booked Patrice, he got paid and I didn't. You're just not aware of how things work, I get it. Just don't start with one thing and move on to another because your point was shot down. Not only did I put cash in his pocket, I raised 15K for his mom.

It's not my fault the mother fucker wouldn't stop drinking juice.

Look at you, explaining yourself to compete strangers. The nut house is not far away lol.

Look at you, having fully fleshed opinions on complete strangers. Have a good one.

Look at you, caring what complete strangers think about your pathetic ways. It's gonna be fun driving you even more insane. Have you received any dead mice in the mail recently?

Relax you fucking imbecile.

Just having some fun

Was Ben Sparks as big of a lunatic as he was made out to be after he was fired?

We don't shit talk dead people that we knew

Qadan Kuhn was a little faggot and got what he deserved.

Hard to disagree.

So does Anthony's current live-in prostitute, who he once had arrested for burglarizing and trashing his house when he dumped her for Dani. We're supposed to be "jealous" of this.

One time, Anthony called some hookers to his place.

Not like, $1000/night hookers. More like local $200 hookers. I sat there thinking, this dude has more money than he knows what to do with, and he spent it on day-shift strippers. Ain't nobody jealous of that.

I've never seen the faggot with anything above a 6. He really does prefer the homely ones. Social media pulled back the curtain on the famed "Compound Parties" and what collections of monsters and mutants they really are.

The hottest girls I've ever seen there were guests/girlfriends of other people.

That traffic girl was pretty hot but otherwise you're right

Can you throw out some ballpark figures as to what those guys make now salary wise? I'm sure you don't know, but can make a good guess. I'm talking Jim, Sam, Travis, Troy.

That explains why every guitar is a knockoff of the original. American made is not quite in his price range.

Hey joe, how’s the songwriting coming along? You might not have to cosplay as much if you put some effort into making something original. You’ve definitely got some angst hidden away in that fat body of yours.

You could write about being an obese, closeted degenerate who can’t provide for his own child without handouts from more successful people, and the shame it has caused you. Carol is an ugly old cunt too, Lots of material there. Get writing, nigger.

He’d have to work. We all know that isn’t happening. You know how those “people” are


“D.R” Oooo, cryptic! More teenage girl shit from Janice Cumia

Exposed as a pedo enabler and his only recourse is weak veiled threats. Doesn’t sound like the kind of thing an innocent man would do.

We may be jumping to conclusions thinking D.R. means Danny Ross. It's entirely possible Joe is just threatening his doctor via Twitter.

D.R. = Dead Roe. This man has serious issues.

Janice Cumia needs to become a thing.

Brother Janice

Joe is a pedo enabler


Will Nana address this? Or will a "random" account named after a bicentennial reference get retweeted by her in response?

Tony will be firing up his "PhilLeotardo08" account in a few days to address all these new rumors.

Why does joe threaten everyone? Why cant he behave? Why cant they behave? Tell ant to behave.

It's that moor DNA in that "Italian" blood.

I don’t particularly care for Danny, but I am absolutely willing to back him up in any altercation should Joe be willing to meet.

I do, however, love Danny’s needling. Please keep it up.

Be a shame if he got suspended for this also.

Hilarious. What you gonna do, sneeze on me and hope I catch aids? I’d absolutely stomp the living fuck out of you, old gay coward

What did Danny do now? Gain a new listener to Pancakes podcast.