Deserves more hate

1  2019-09-13 by TankHankerson


No one can possibly hate him as much as he must hate himself

Profound. Let us not forget that this fat fuck was a good friend of Sam (PB) Roberts

I guess that's what you look like when you base your whole life and personality around food.

I would wager that he's literally never gone more than 8 hours (sleeping) without eating something.

Gordon Ramsay based his whole life and personality around food, and he built a multi-million dollar empire, has a loving family and stayed in shape. Roland's claim to fame is not feeling the cold in winter.

You can't get that fat from regular food. You have to eat the most unhealthy shit you can find

I remember back on the O.G. sub in 2013-14 he was the only OnA related person you could talk shit about without getting massively downvoted and half the posts were about how much he sucked.

Even when this community was an O&A fanclub he was hated. That's how awful and unlikable he is.

Back then people even defended and praised Sam. People were unironically excited for Jim & Sam. What faggots.

I’ve been around long enough to have been through 2 cycles of Opie hate downvoting.

Doesn't need more hate, just needs God to do his job.

In between shoving globs of food into his mouth, he prays everyday for the existence of the Cumia family.

That tub of lard look like Spagett from the Tim & Eric show.

Sometimes you go on reddit and you think you have a killer joke and then you see you are three hours late to the game

He was an untouchable ruthless killer according to the bbbboys so nobody fucked with him. You pissed him off and he'd mumble out "I hope your fucking mother dies!". There's no coming back from that.

Say 'Bonaduce' you fat gibbering fuck.


His life is punishment enough

Disgusting slob

God has already cursed him

roland is my #1 most hated out of anyone on the bbbboys show. i used to consider him a friend, went out to eat with him and donated to roland's food court. but he is a backstabbing snitch who killed opie radio even after opie saved his job after roland lied on his resume. the bathroom prank was G-rated and should have been no big deal. the little doggie company are a bunch of pussies and i guarantee they regret losing Opie who was by far their biggest talent.

i always thought it was odd that he dressed in graphic tees that were two sizes too small, basketball shorts and sandals to work when he was supposed to be meeting celebrities and their managers.


"Pedestrian food"

isnt this the guy who got all their celebrity guests, and he was supposedly a genius at "dealing with agents"? it made me develop this theory that famous people basically have stables of borderline-retards handling their appearances.

why would any normal adult want to interact with this sputtering mutt as a professional?