Went to a family thing on Sunday. My 13 year old cousin described social media as "kind of gay" and dismissed Twitter as "where old people go to argue."

1  2019-10-01 by McGowan9

10 years ago, this kid was still shitting in a potty. How come he gets it and supposedly adult "men" like Joe and Fatrick do not?


I still shit in a potty too and I'm in my 30s. Is there somewhere else I'm supposed to be shitting now that I'm an adult? No one told me

OP and his family are Indian.

Diversity is this subs strength

How dare you

I guess Americans call them potty chairs or something

Mods do it in the street

This is a faggot ass gay lame post. Kill your self. Take the faggot kid out with.

Spree killer incel spotted. Jesus Christ take some Abilify or something

Wow an even gayer response. Great job all you gotta do now is suck a dick and your faggot of the year Halloween costume will be perfect. Holy shit wtf happened to the sub? Maybe an lgbt sub is brigading?

Is that supposed to be an insult lol nigga you retarded

Shut the fuck up Joe.


Your attempts at insults scream closeted homosexual it’s okay boomer it’s 2019 you don’t have to hide anymore.

Yes it’s an insult. That’s what that whole faggot costume part meant.

this sub is pretty gay, dude. you haven't noticed the last few years?

Shut up, Joe.

I often go out without my phone now. People act like its insane but I certainly am over the need to be in touch or online very waking hour.

I'm going to try that this weekend

I’ve been doing it for like a year now. Its insanely freeing to go out without your phone

People in their teens were raised with the novelty of all these shitty apps. They have standards now. We were amazed. Look back at the way O&A&J talked about iPhones. "Wow! I can watch videos on this!!! I can even post photos!"

Well kids today are younger than most registered Facebook profiles of your friends and family. It takes more gimmicks to impress them, which is why they like TikTok because it has stupid themes and concepts that anybody can take part in. it's easy to participate so any retard will. I.E. Cumias on Twitter.

what is TikTok and how can we find Ant’s account

So whats his username now?


I really hope we have a big backlash against social media and technology. We are worse off because of it.