Theyre not handling their banning as well as we have over there at r\thedelray misfits. Making us look like professionals.

1  2019-10-01 by PhishInVa2

Theyre talking about making their own website. Its all fun and games until a certain korean kid finds it :/


Somebody with some smarts could make a site similar to Reddit for these unique banned communities and probably make something really cool. The issue would be keeping the Colin Flaherty's away or at least under control to keep it from turning into another voat or /pol/-lite.

We are basically /pol/ anyways, may was well embrace it.

No we aren't as big of edgy faggots as them.

I really think we should absorb the piss troopers.

I love the piss troopers but im not entirely sure they would blend in like how the Pat posters and Joe posters have here recently. Im more than happy to have them as allies. Theyre welcome here as far as im concerned as long as everyone keeps it funny for everyone.

I think we'd all do quite well together. They love Jason for the ments, Joe is a fucking ments machine. They are motivated and loyal to a cause. They're just west coast us.

Why were they banned?

"Bullying". A lot of subs were banned today for that reason

Not us

They got r/opieandanthony though. Idk why we're still up. They may have just wanted to take down the bigger subreddits they got today

We've been there. We've evolved however

I remember that time the entire fucking site revolted and was posting pictures of that pan faced CEO next to swastikas. Reddit has been infiltrated, destroyed, and rebuilt by fucking faggots.