Alpha republican male.

23  2019-09-30 by Brotherman_1


Joe is the exact definition of a Boomer. He accomplished absolutely nothing in his life but still brags about his own life. The only reason he's not homeless right now is because other people work to support him. He's rife with disease and looks like he's decaying. He blames the next generation for all his problems. He "learned to play" an instrument but then never created anything worthwhile with it. He's constantly taking vacations even though he hasn't worked a day in his life. He will leave his kids a mountain of unpaid bills and debt. And so on.


I don't think it's fair to say that Joe is emblematic of boomers. His type is more universal and more timeless. Shiftless layabouts and scoundrels have been known since antiquity. There's a New Testament passage that's become an aphorism: "if any would not work, neither should he eat."

I guess it shows how far removed our civilization is from its biblical roots that Joe does eat and eat and eat.

Perfectly said

Thumbnail makes it look like he's gobbling a cock

He's the trash version of a 60yo comic book nerd.

Worse, he thinks he's better.

Republican fail

How can his torso be so fat and his arms are so thin? Just lifting himself out of a chair should he a huge workout for his triceps and delts.

He rarely gets up

Low t

Hes turning into a cumia gremlin

He looks like a bloated dead body.

The nerve of this faggot to claim 240 was his heaviest weight.

Be 300lbs. Lie about your weight. Weight loss complete. Anyone can do it!

He has zero muscle tone so 240 with a 40inch waist might not be wrong.

6'1 with a gut that big, that nigga is closer to 300 than 250.

If this blackface, WD40, sleeveless pic was taken in a garage without a Fiat, instead of a shanty Long Island second bedroom townhouse on the freeway next to a gas station, I might give him a pass.

You can just see the Low T in his face

His neck doesn't look right. Does he have some kind of goiter situation going on?

Alpha reptilian*