I think she's a Cumia, I'm sure I've heard the ghoul mention an aunt Fran in the past. He probably only remembers female relatives according to what he discovered in their underwear draws.
I'm looking forward to the fallout once Ant dies. Joe's gonna have some competition for claiming whatevers left of Nana's fortune.
Keith, blissfully unaware of all this, chuckles to himself on fire island. Counting the cash whilst his wife tells him of all the disgusting shit she found cleaning the waterbrained wops McMansion.
The good news is is that Joe couldn't produce a son, Dawn's kid has his dad's name and Anthony's infertile and a homosexual, so the Cumia name dies out with them.
He even wears a cutoff shirt on an airplane. Low class retard. I bet he made jokes about the TSA “checking his guns” as he showed off those fat faggot arms.
Indeed. The least Potato Peeler Joe could do is not dress like a fucking bum. As we all know by now, the Cumias are low rent trash. Can't teach an old stupid dog new tricks.
Imagine having to sit near that fat swine with his pits and tits hanging out, it's fucking nauseating to even think about. Classless fucking animal. I guarantee his next tweet will be from his ordinary room at some second tier hotel which he'll gloat about like it's the Sinatra suite or something.
I like to think half way through applying her eyebrows Joe walked in to the room with his cut off shirt and basketball shorts saying "I'm ready" and she was like "ah, fuck it, there's no point in trying to look good, let's just go".
I know theyre both old and gross, but how do you even look at your husband/boyfriend/whatever they are after he captions a Facebook post “friends, fun, sun”
I wish we could all hear what the airline staff were saying about this sleeveless, bald nigger and his trashy, meth-head girlfriend insisting on special treatment for being some some New York radio show guy's brother. "Howard Stern's brother?" No. Who? Nobody gives a shit west of Massachusetts.
1 greygooser 2019-09-28
Haha low rent nigger can’t afford first class
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
I bet aunt Fran is paying for at least half of this. Doesn't visit his mother in her last few years but will take an elderly relative to Vegas?
Bullshit artist.
1 late_50s_why 2019-09-28
He’s taking them there but Anne Frank is paying
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
Colleen's quite the pro at extorting frail old relatives. Wonder how much pocket money Nana gave him "for da TABLES, ya know?"
1 late_50s_why 2019-09-28
Are these people his relative or the piss leaker’s
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
I think she's a Cumia, I'm sure I've heard the ghoul mention an aunt Fran in the past. He probably only remembers female relatives according to what he discovered in their underwear draws.
1 late_50s_why 2019-09-28
Dang I thought there was only like 4 cumios left to slay
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
I'm looking forward to the fallout once Ant dies. Joe's gonna have some competition for claiming whatevers left of Nana's fortune.
Keith, blissfully unaware of all this, chuckles to himself on fire island. Counting the cash whilst his wife tells him of all the disgusting shit she found cleaning the waterbrained wops McMansion.
1 RuizingCostsLives 2019-09-28
The good news is is that Joe couldn't produce a son, Dawn's kid has his dad's name and Anthony's infertile and a homosexual, so the Cumia name dies out with them.
1 RuizingCostsLives 2019-09-28
And they only remember him until they get Alzheimer's and he immediately stops visiting them.
1 maybe_kiss_u 2019-09-28
La Famiglia
1 rdoran93 2019-09-28
is she the electrocuted looking aunt?
1 JumboYumYums 2019-09-28
Super absorbent adult diapers, COMP'D!
1 JoeCumiaWearsDIAPERS 2019-09-28
Nice middle seat in Delta Economy, stupid.
1 mikejmarvin 2019-09-28
Not even comfort plus
1 TetleysRevenge 2019-09-28
Hopefully it's an MD-88 on its last legs that's also missed a couple of safety checks.
1 detectivemonahan 2019-09-28
Not even smart enough to get the emergency exit row, with this military expertise I'd think he be a fine candidate for that extra leg room.
1 detectivemonahan 2019-09-28
5 stars.
1 Attonitus1 2019-09-28
Bag of peanuts, COMP'D!
1 Bovine_Retard 2019-09-28
He can’t even afford a fucking window.
1 CopyrightWillTate 2019-09-28
A benefit not afforded those who play original music.
1 Brotherman_1 2019-09-28
Another selfie
1 JamesCHefnerson 2019-09-28
He knows this means cow, right?
1 JoeCumiaWearsDIAPERS 2019-09-28
Attention Mods - Joe C is on vacation, expect a 35% bump in DMCAs.
1 ThankYou_Comrade 2019-09-28
Joe is always on vacation. He doesn’t have a job
1 985x 2019-09-28
"Hey! Aunt Fran! Smile for the camera!"
"Leave me alone, faggot."
1 PhishInVa2 2019-09-28
She hates Joe for sure
1 Bovine_Retard 2019-09-28
She’s busy reading “1001 ways to kill your nephew and make it look like a suicide”
1 nice_looper_stupid 2019-09-28
Aunt Fran looks like Mac’s mom
1 RuizingCostsLives 2019-09-28
A casual observer would wonder which one is aunt Fran. There are two old women and an elderly homosexual in this picture.
1 child_predator_cumia 2019-09-28
He even wears a cutoff shirt on an airplane. Low class retard. I bet he made jokes about the TSA “checking his guns” as he showed off those fat faggot arms.
1 THE69IQ 2019-09-28
Flying to Vegas or New Orleans are the only two destinations where you see this type of behavior.
1 CesarRomeroOranges 2019-09-28
Don’t forget Orlando, nigga
1 lonelybisharp19 2019-09-28
Phoenix and Tucson too. Pretty much standard attire for any trashy sunbelt city.
1 ThankYou_Comrade 2019-09-28
You can see the squirting broad got all dressed up in her nice clothes for the airplane ride. She’s even wearing earrings.
Then Joe shows up in his trashy sleeveless shirt and bald head
1 Infamous_P_I_G 2019-09-28
Indeed. The least Potato Peeler Joe could do is not dress like a fucking bum. As we all know by now, the Cumias are low rent trash. Can't teach an old stupid dog new tricks.
1 REALJoeCumia 2019-09-28
I’ll have you know I sprung the extra $30 for ECONOMY PLUS!!! You’re all just jealous you cant afford my funjet vacation 😂🤣😆
1 satanssockpuppet 2019-09-28
Sixty years old and Moo Breasts doesn't even own a single grown up shirt. Queer.
1 TheWelfareMan 2019-09-28
0 muscle and horrible tattoos, he's so delusional.
1 satanssockpuppet 2019-09-28
Imagine having to sit near that fat swine with his pits and tits hanging out, it's fucking nauseating to even think about. Classless fucking animal. I guarantee his next tweet will be from his ordinary room at some second tier hotel which he'll gloat about like it's the Sinatra suite or something.
1 Rich_Vos_Rolex 2019-09-28
Looks like JoeyH's daughter is safe for a few days.
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
"Now Layla, sweetie, you do what Uncle Jeffrey tells you okay?"
1 late_50s_why 2019-09-28
Her and his girlfriend’s daughter is staying with uncle ang
1 CopyrightWillTate 2019-09-28
Ditching the brats for a weekend in Vegas, looks great on a CPS report.
1 IHeartSue 2019-09-28
Colin Flaherty looking old hag.
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
Old Bitch Leak a Lot.
1 DBerkowitz44 2019-09-28
So funny I forgot to squirt
1 Jung_Skywalker 2019-09-28
A well deserved vacation from not working.
1 WillyCosby 2019-09-28
Vacation from what?
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
1 Bovine_Retard 2019-09-28
Doesn’t he spend the most time on Reddit on his vacations?
1 Vawsh 2019-09-28
Depends on how long he's temporarily suspended for.
1 quasi101 2019-09-28
i'm guessing it takes that boomer retard a few days to pass the captcha.
1 ReDMeridiaN 2019-09-28
Nice earphones that came with the phone your brother bought you, stupid.
1 thjykkikkik 2019-09-28
DAMN! you sure showed him. can joe recover after that?
1 ohmycawd 2019-09-28
I hate that weird hole on the side of his head. What is that?
1 maybe_kiss_u 2019-09-28
His long term gf
1 yevyoyevyo 2019-09-28
Looks like Grandma Carrol's been applying her eyebrows with a stencil and a paintball gun
1 Attonitus1 2019-09-28
I like to think half way through applying her eyebrows Joe walked in to the room with his cut off shirt and basketball shorts saying "I'm ready" and she was like "ah, fuck it, there's no point in trying to look good, let's just go".
1 sf69err 2019-09-28
I know theyre both old and gross, but how do you even look at your husband/boyfriend/whatever they are after he captions a Facebook post “friends, fun, sun”
Incontinent old whore
1 maybe_kiss_u 2019-09-28
1 ThomasRPatlinson 2019-09-28
Didn't he send DMCA's from Disney Land like a month ago? How much #Vaca does he need?
1 StallonesGlassTable 2019-09-28
I wish they were on flight 17 to Malaysia
1 hulkanator 2019-09-28
So ugly they had to seat them in a windowless row.
1 hulkanator 2019-09-28
Where's his hat? What if there's turbulence?
1 CompoundBasement 2019-09-28
I wish we could all hear what the airline staff were saying about this sleeveless, bald nigger and his trashy, meth-head girlfriend insisting on special treatment for being some some New York radio show guy's brother. "Howard Stern's brother?" No. Who? Nobody gives a shit west of Massachusetts.
1 Infamous_P_I_G 2019-09-28
#taxcheat #IRSAudit
1 TheMaestro2 2019-09-28
Its always so embarassing seeing someone taking a selfie second hand
1 RuizingCostsLives 2019-09-28
I don't think I've ever seen an adult male do it in real life. I certainly can't remember an instance.
1 Bovine_Retard 2019-09-28
He looks the most normal he’s ever looked in this picture yet he still manages to look like a complete dolt.
1 Single_Action_Army 2019-09-28
Where is his hat to let the pilot know he can handle the turbulence??
1 brmlb 2019-09-28
did the crypt keeper forget half the eyebrow while it was putting on that pound of makeup?
1 MonsterSteve 2019-09-28
Faggot cannot even afford real earbuds and just uses the default ones that come with his phone.
1 lemskroob 2019-09-28
What a dirtbag white trash place to vacation.
1 FungoBatGump 2019-09-28
Damn is this today? He's here NOW?!?! fuck! Where's he staying?
1 ReDMeridiaN 2019-09-28
Who knows, but we know one thing for sure: he didn’t pay a single red cent to get there.
1 where_we_at 2019-09-28