Daniel Ben Dovid Ross readies himself to take down the goyim populating the OpieRadio subreddit

9  2019-09-27 by 985x


This man is about 12 inches taller than him. What is it with these faggots always wanting pictures taken with their guns? He's got little baby arms and a giant head holding that AR in that photo.

They literally only use guns to murder Palestinians, mostly their women and children. They've never taken part in any war, unless you count randomly bombing brown people for no reason and then playing the victim. But they gotta look tough! Fuckers can't even drink milk.

I know a lot of people here don't like the guy, but he might be the only guy connected to the show who engages with this group who's never filed a DMCA, report, complaint, etc.

Didnt he try to report the sub for "antisemitism" once because he was getting bashed?

He only "engaged with the group" to promote his shitty podcast.

He only told us that stuff about AntH to promote his shitty podcast.

Everything Ben Dovid has done in his entire life was for his own personal gain. That's what his people do.

And if AntH didn't kick him to the curb he'd still be at the compound and still turning a blind eye to pedophilia.