"What's Reddit?"

20  2019-09-27 by CopyrightWillTate


Seems a little far fetched

"Reddit you say. We'll get right on it Mr. Tomlinson." Massive eye roll.

Imagine thinking your local police are going to launch an international investigation because people are being mean to you online

He wants that kind of power for himself, a minor public figure, but would lose his mind if the president attempted to wield that kind of power. What a fucking narcissistic cunt.

The President saying we should put spies on trial for treason is wrong.

Patrick saying we should punch women in the face if they voted for Trump is right.

He couldn't possibly be more delusional/a typical liberal.

I wonder what will happen to all of these people in a decade. They’ve been hysterically claiming something new is going to end the world every week for the better part of three years. How do none of them feel embarrassed at this point?

Sub down in 3... 2.... 1....

This is literally history repeating itself. Google "Weimar Germany", and then see what happened in Germany right after that. You can only push degeneracy so far before people respond.

Dude, I’m more of a holocaust scholar than pat. Weimar where the first gender reassignment surgery happened. Also whenever people like pat bring up nazi book burnings, be sure to ask what they were burning. It wasn’t the great texts, it was nothing but smut.

Whereas communists, the group Pat actually belongs to, did burn great texts and basically anything that encouraged non-Jews to stop being worthless and weak. Oh, and they also killed far more Christians in Russia than Nazis killed Jews. Like 10:1 if you use the factual holocaust numbers.

They went to www.reddit.com

Saw funny dog videos and TIL you're supposed to get vaccines

Investigation closed

I love when these weens think they're being brave and profound by standing up to the 200 anti-vaxxers in the world

Funny how all his 'evidence' gets wiped out as every sub gets banned. Oopsie doodles!

“Yes Mr. Tomlinson, let me just put aside the child rape case and my work on the triple murder to address people being mean to you on the internet.”

Coincidentally, his previous investigations were against Patrick

This fat faggot actually went to the cops and said he was being cyber bullies hahahahahahaha

They probably showed him that Tyler the creator tweet and laughed

They probably lurk and laugh their asses off. Passing around the latest zinger.

Yes, saying you hope someone dies sure is mean, but it’s not a death threat. Surely an author would grasp the subtleties of English.

"Only effective federal legislation backed by harsh penalties for hosting platforms can end this scourge."

Biding his time

More federal government power, just the thing a staunch conservative like him would be for.

I missed this the first time. I didn't know ULULU was black.


That's the real Patrick letting his true thoughts be known after a few too many drinks

This blob thinking that each MPD district should have a cybercrimes section is beyond naive. People sells drugs on FB/IG/SC all the time. Go protect minorities you tough guy wannabe, get 50 to the chest and tweet about it.

Lesson here, Joe

I imagine that if anything it helped us recruit some of Milwaukee's finest to the sub.

This blob thinking that each MPD district should have a cybercrimes section is beyond naive. People sells drugs on FB/IG/SC all the time. Go protect minorities you tough guy wannabe, get 50 to the chest and tweet about it.

I didn't wanna bring up Reddit.

Considering how crime-ridden Milwaukee is they should have hobbled him for wasting their time with this bullshit.