Patrick S. Tomlinson in a nutshell

31  2019-09-26 by I-HATE-JOE-CUMIA

  1. Thinks anyone who voted for/supports the President is a Nazi

  2. Tells people to punch Nazis (aka any Trump supporter)

  3. Actually flat out told people to punch women in the face and give them black eyes if they put on a Trump hat, and referred to men who think it’s wrong to punch women as “pearl clutchers”

  4. Literally threatened a Redditors female family members with violence for telling him that Facebook post was fucked up.

  5. Harrasses and blocks anyone, including people who agree with his political beliefs, who tell him to tone it down with the violence.

  6. Bragged about being a violent alcoholic with anger issues.

  7. Told one of his followers “don’t try me” when they told him not to shoot people.

  8. Told his millennial followers to start a violent revolution, saying “get them children. Leave no one standing”, and “aim for the head”.

This guy belongs on a watchlist. If a Trump supporter was saying this kind of shit about liberals he disagrees with, he’d be banned across the board from every social media platform, he’d have his guns confiscated, and there’d be an fbi van across the street from his house waiting for him to lose it and go on a rampage.


He certainly behaves like someone who was never told no.

He’s been told no plenty of times, I just don’t think he listens.

Every no was just another lie, child.

*Every child's "no" when I made them lie down

No, you're not the father.

You forgot the most important part. He signed away the rights to his daughter so he could focus on inspiring these attacks full time.

Lies about barfights and confrontations with Nazis at his house and "Blood and Soil" Neo-Nazis at a convention while acting like the actual tough guy escort on twitter. Lust for violence in a fat pussified frame.

  1. Cheated in half-marathons.

This idiot was on twitter advocating in favor of red flag laws after one of the recent shootings. How does he not know he will lose his precious meme gun as soon as they are enacted in his area?

  1. Uses lots of food metaphors in his writing. Because he's fat.