Just because we've graduated to contacting CPS doesn't mean I'm gonna stop taking your twitter away

38  2019-09-25 by 985x


This never stops. Doesn't matter what he does. Boredom is really the only defense he has left but even then he's said he was going to stop engaging the trolls once a month since 2014 (i have the receipts).

His problem really is his impatience. People are obviously telling him, repeatedly, that if he just stopped posting here, it'd stop. And after three days when it doesn't, he says "that didn't fucking work" and feels compelled to re-engage. If he'd just stay away it would stop for the most part within a week. There might be a few who try to keep it up, but if Joe didn't re-engage, it would eventually stop altogether.

Look at the size of him, willpower is not a gift he was blessed with.

If the sub stopped talking about Joe, he would come in and try to get everyone’s attention again. He comes off as such a lonely man. You can almost understand why he buddied up with KurtLove and Bobo. Joe just needs a friend.

I like how his misery has been automated. Every meme and video is automagically being archived. He spends a day filling out DMCA requests, sub is banned, new sub is created and announced, rinse and repeat.

If he’d just take a social media sabbatical his life would be much better.

Exactly. And now is the perfect time because we are watching Patrick have a mental breakdown.

Whether they realize it or not attacking the Cumia Twitters is actually helping them to overcome the crippling social media addiction that has turned them both into hapless faggots. If Nana in particular doesn't stop tweeting his fingers will soon be as gnarled and deformed as Artie's nose.