Hey Joe....there exists an exchange of texts where Anthony admits - and brags - about finger-banging a 14 YEAR OLD...and one day, we're going to get a hold of them...

48  2019-09-25 by TangerineDRxReam

Either when u/theblueawning stops being a bitch and hands them over, or when someone successfully reaches out to Dani Golightly and asks for them...it will thoroughly change your game of desperate denial that you've been playing with us, and will ultimately plunge you and your brother so deep into PariahWorld, that they'll be no way back from it.

PS: Even if they aren't real: Just the fact that a normal person who knows anything about The Cumia's could believe that they existed without question, should say something about your shitty family...


If Daniel Ben Dovid ever produced those texts I would promise to stop hating his people for at least 90 seconds.

u/theblueawning would ascend to Brotherman like status in my book.

It really would redeem him completely


I never claimed to ever have these texts. They are text messages from Ant to the victim which were never wiped off of an Apple Watch given to Dani Brand. Go ask her. If she's smart enough, she still has them.

That's a big if

Ugh... you are so full of shit.

So ask Brand you pussy fuck. Get your own answers.

Fuck you ! You lying sack of shit! Did you say she was “ bat shit crazy “ so like you why would I believe a word that came out of her mouth?

So, Dani Brand, with zero knowledge of what I knew, word for word tells me the story I already heard?

How come you guys act like you were there for anything at all. I remember the conversation. Vividly. Why don't you try having a conversation with her instead of acting like a grown pussy here.

No Dovid you’re just so fucked up in the head you can’t keep a story straight. We just repeat stories you have told , them when you are called out on them they seem to change and if I was there I wouldn’t turn my head as a kid was abused because jobs were at risk.

Please tell me exactly where my story changed. It's been the same fucking story for years. Don't have to keep track of lies when you just have to remember the truth.

Just STFU and go away. I’m so tired of talking in circles with you.

Lol. Exactly.

Dovid is lying, he’s a piece of shit and a pathological liar no better than Joe.

He may be. The only way to confirm it would be if one of us reached out to Dani.

I'd like to reach out to Dani and grab them beefers, IF you know what I mean.

Like... fucking her egg?

they are surprisingly nice since she plumped up.

do it faggot

Why don’t you do it?

Because I don't give a fuck like you two do.

You don’t give a fuck but you’re constantly here stupid, yeah that makes sense.

I'll be popping by until the last sub closes. You've lost 90% of your audience, have no home, and act like you've achieved some kind of victory.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Well it looks like you’re part of the 10% remaining.

So if I reach out to her, and - in the slim chance she responds - she honestly says: "Why did Danny tell you that? I never saw anything like that."...then you're going to look like a liar. Which is going to put the rest of your claims into question.

But she wont get back to any of us, regardless. YOU, however, made the claim and have access to the texts. You could release them and prove you weren't lying, while also socially burying the Cumia's, past the point of no return. Even Dawn and the rest of Anthony's extended family would cut Anthony off (potentially). And there's a strong claim that you might have been complicit in Ant's "Epstein-esque" dealings; either in your silence over his actions, or potentially engaging in those same activities with him. Releasing them could also be a way to distance yourself from Ant's actions.

I never ripped into you as a person. I don't give a fuck about past Danny Ross and I'm not autistic about the jews. I just want to bury Joe and Ant. I'm not looking to get into a back and forth with you, not looking to fight. If you're afraid of any legal ramifications upon releasing them, that's fine.

But if these texts exist, then there's no debate or any way to obfuscate the truth about Ant being a pedo.

Do they at least EXIST?

I’ve tried talking rationally to him and all you will end up doing is talking in circles.

Ask Dani Brand. Holy fuck this wall of text. I'm not even reading it. Ask the fucking girl who TOLD ME SHE read them

I'll shorten it for you: IF THEY DON'T EXIST, THEN YOU'RE A LIAR.


Why would I have texts from Anthony to the victim on an Apple Watch given to Brand?? Where the fuck do I fit into that.

Because YOU SAID he texted you, to brag about finger-banging a 14 year old in his theatre. You’ve said this.

No asshole, he told me to my face

Something else you can’t prove... shocking

This guy gets it. Fuck that kike

Daniel Ben Dovid is a lying little hook-nosed christ killer. No better than a Cumia. He used to hang out with them and fingerbang minors along with them until ant dumped him.

u/theblueawning comment?

Sure. I stopped hanging out with the guy BECAUSE he fingerbangs kids. Big difference.


Do you really know of more than one? Did it take more than one occasion for you to leave Anthony? Or are you making a slanderous assumption against a one-time-pedophile?

A guarantee there was shit that went down with Bobo's sister also.

I wouldn't put it beyond a person with Anthony's character to do something like that, but I still doubt that you have any proof. If you did, there was no reason for you not to share it. There even was a time where you could have made money off that. When Anthony was still on the radio. I remember him talking of you as a "cunt" on the air. Why would you leave an easy opportunity to take revenge and make money at the same time? Don't blame Lazlow.

He paid you off to keep your mouth shut, so you're being cryptic

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard

You guys always act like faggots about this pedophile endorser. Ant has always been a creep and Dovid was cool with it. He doesn't have shit or he would have shared it by now.

Exactly... he loves the attention he gets here just like Joe. Everything he says is one contradiction after another.

Meanwhile I only show up when username mentioned.

So ignore it then but you can’t... like Joe.

You're loying. You live here.

Christ was a faggot tbf

Actually Bobo's already got us covered on this one https://i.imgur.com/z2iPuiK.png

Very salient points coming from Bobo here

I like how he became british

I’m not loying. The dog was walking too close.