I know some consider the CPS thing a bit but....

40  2019-09-25 by telav

I’m very worried about Layla. From illegal weapons to accusations of pedophilia, not to mention Joe’s life threatening driving, I felt it necessary to call and report. We discussed joe blaming the accusations on trolling and went over the evidence I emailed while on the phone.




Couldn't agree more. I feel it's my civic duty to protect her from the monstrous Cumia family.

Joe is a lot more familiar with CPT


No, heh. Colored People Time. Your n-folks are often late.

Corporal Bovine Tits?

Cock and ball torture


Let me know if you need any other evidence. Its not a bit. He also threatened violence against specific people on twitter. Considering he has illegal firearms.

>gets children taken away

>no effect on their lives

Plus her uncle Anthony has admitted to lusting over underaged girls.

I’d feel like this was over the line if joe wasn’t a known illegal gun owner, illegal drug abuser, friend to the pedophile community, and violent offender. You’re doing a public service. Earl we got any hero songs back there?

Thank you and god bless you.

This kind of thing is why I'll never leave this place. We just keep evolving and escalating. Imagine if this shit actually happens? It would bring "zero effect" to peak meme status and put the official death nell in the foolish idea that this sub didn't own the fucking Cumias.

Joe himself had what alcoholics refer to as "a moment of clarity" and deleted all his messages daring us to go ahead with his. He's actually afraid of this going forward.

Loving the direction of the sub, boys. Keep up the good work.