More than he loved his wife

10  2019-09-25 by crat33


It's so easy to manipulate the public into liking or hating anyone.



It's hilarious how the left has to pretend Trump is evil, but also has to back his plan for WW3 because that's what their Jewish masters tell them is necessary.

It usually goes like this on Twitter:



no i didnt mean it like that

Totally spineless.

Yep. They invented a term that automatically neutralizes anyone without a backbone. And thanks to so many Americans not having a backbone, we now have states like South Carolina where it is now against the law to not support Israel.

That why I break the ice and introduce myself as an antisemitic. It's my Sokolsky Opening

This guy swore he loved his wife too. I'd say someone should make sure this little girl is safe, but I hope she gets Pattoned

She didn’t write that, she’s being exploited by her actor parents. She’s a theater kid just like David Hogg. A good father would realize that kid is being used and find it disgusting.

And look at David Hogg and all those other children the liberals used as propaganda, forgotten and irrelevant. In a month or two the Swedish autist will be thrown aside as well and the left will move on to the next child they’ll use to regurgitate their talking points. It’s comically transparent what they’re doing and it’s ridiculous

You missed the point - he is not a good father. Wait until he "corrects" his current wife. Then he will have to "correct" his child. Or vise versa - I've got a condition. I get confused sometimes.

2020 is going to be an even more absurd version of 2016

This little fag acts so tough online. He’d waddle away like he’d taken a shit in his man diaper if ever confronted. Stop tempting people you wife murdering faggot.