Joe really thought he was the one taking the subs down and could come brag about this one going in 3...2...1... oops we're still here 2 hours later

26  2019-09-24 by 985x


Love how he's acting like a legal expert now. How fucking embarrassing

He’s challenging these subs to fuck with his daughter’s life by reporting him to CPS. Amazing. How dumb can he get.

I think you mean saving his daughter's life. Joe has her around illegal guns. Has her in the car while he speeds down shoulders on the highway and has welcomed a convicted child rapist into his home.

I pray that poor little girl is taken out of there before Joe or one of his buddies does irrevocable damage.

I couldn't agree more. Once we were only joshing, but I'm completely serious in saying that I worry for her safety. Her father Joe Cumia lusts after children, is best friends with Jeffrey Hollander, convicted child rapist, her uncle Anthony Cumia is an unabashed pedophile who can spend hours talking about children he'd like to fuck, they all jerk off to KP, and Carol is a pedophile enabler who thinks jokes involving Layla's fear-soiled panties are funny and fodder for the internet.

If Joe was my dad I would kill myself

Imagine daring someone to report you to CPS. Dumber than dumb.


I can't wait until Joe has to formally explain Jeffery Hollander to officials. Dumb dumb dumb Joe. u/DOXXER100 you're so stupid.

He made a post earlier where he played out the scenario in his head. He really thinks he's going to be able to tell them that Reddit is trolling him because of his brother, and that the officials there to investigate him are going to tell him that they miss AntH and then be on their way.


He has absolutely no idea how the real world works.

Ain't it fun?

(In Joe's head) CPS official - "Wait, your brother is Anthony Cumia?? THE Anthony Cumia?"

(In reality) CPS official - "Who?..."

Yeah, there’s really no other reason besides he’s a fucking retard. I tried reasoning with him a bit for his kid’s sake but we all know he’s going to keep fucking with these autistics because he’s dumb.

he thought that the help desk text on a support ticket was the same as a legal document.

Joe is quite a cad


Does anyone really believe he spends any significant, unsupervised time with his kid? He supposedly works on the weekends and sleeps late every day. Whenever he's not working he's hanging out in nana's house taking selfies and jerking off to (making) KP. During the week he fucking around with cheap guitars and monitoring reddit all day. Anyone with even 1 kid will tell you that this would be impossible

Look how Moo Breasts emulated his brother's crippling social media addiction by creating one of his own. All because Nana simply cannot stop tweeting.