A few notes on Jim and Princess Alena

17  2019-09-23 by SudPuckley

For anyone considering giving up on the subs because of a little adversity, I've been listening to old Jim and Sam episodes for awhile now so I can make a compilation of everything Jim said about falling in love with Princess Alena, and you might miss it if you don't keep up.

If you don't do it for yourself, do it for me. Because listening to this shit is absolute hell and it's only worth it if there's an audience.

Some things I just cannot get over about Jim and Alan:

The amount of money Jim must have spent on her is insane. It's very clear from what he says that he was not even that interested in fucking her, he was literally interested in the falling in love aspect. Prostitutes always charge extra for things like kissing, which Jim says they did a lot of. But then consider the inherent creepiness of Jim Norton. And consider the creepiness of flying to another country to spend a weekend alone with a 50 year old guy who looks like Jim who is willing to spend that kind of money for the illusion of falling in love with a 19 year old tranny who isn't allowed in Jim's home country. It's just the worst decision Alena could make unless she was getting paid something astronomical. The amount Jim paid to fly her and himself out for these trips is already plenty, but if Jim spent less than the $60,000 he stole on her, she wasn't asking for enough.

It would actually be more respectable if Jim was paying that kind of money for Alena to destroy his asshole, but he spent it to, in his own words, "go to Niagara falls and hold hands". Keep in mind that Alena was already married at this time. I can't imagine the amount of humiliation and shame Jim must have felt when he realized the whole thing was a sham long after everyone else did, and spoke at length about falling in love on his radio show and on his podcast tour, where in his excited happiness of new love, he had no problem talking about the fact that he was taking Prep to the largest audience he's probably ever had in his life on JRE.


That whole thing was so fucking bizarre. Talking about a foreign male prostitute who is hiv positive is "the one" and he was thinking about popping the question. How does that even happen?

TYFYS brotherman

We're not going anywhere. If these admins really think we're gonna give up after hanging around for 5 years after the show died they clearly don't understand how autistic we are.


Make a couple emails. Make a couple accounts. The subs will keep popping up, and everything worthwhile will be archived so it doesn't even matter when they get deleted.

Jim has spent his entire adult life trying to recapture the humiliation and shame he felt when being molested. IMO he paid the Princess specifically to be humiliated. SHE made him "profess his love" to a huge audience, SHE made him admit to taking anti-HIV drugs. He paid her for the privilege.

So Jim was a pay-pig?

It's the only explanation, aside from him being a total retard, of course.

Eh, sort of. She def got paid, but let's not act like porn stars, cam girls, and escorts don't travel for the airline miles like the rest of us. Jim paid some cash, but just look at the Princess. That's not a $10,000/weekend ladyboy.

I might be overestimating it, but she had 9 people on her prince list and you had to tip ~$550 in a single tip to be on there, and that's just to get some videos and to get called "my Prince". Think about how awful spending an entire trip 1 on 1 with Jim would be when he's completely in love with you and probably pouring his wormy heart and soul out to you at all hours. And you have to convincingly reciprocate those feelings.

Alena had to get paid enough for her husband back home to be OK with these trips. Also don't forget that Jim strongly hinted that he was going to marry her so that she could come to the United States.

The PReP confession on Rogan was the most bizarre shit ever. Why would any young female want to date a guy who barebacks HIV positive trannies?

Maybe he thought he would become a trendy interpretive dancer like the folks on those PReP commercials they're airing now.

*guy who barebacks HIV positive men

I would love to hear this, would be great if you could include any of the reactions from other comics mocking him.

I have notes and downloaded copies of other relevant shows at home - the ones I can remember are Tigerbelly, YKWD where Colin brings it up, his JRE Prep admission, and his Joey Diaz appearance but there might be more. The Joey Diaz appearance is maybe the most humiliating IMO. Even without the Princess Alena context, when he starts saying shit like "I like feeling wounded" and you can just tell he's BEGGING for people to be like "Whoa! He's so troubled!" It's almost unbearable cringe.

If anyone knows of other shows where people discuss it or Jim talks about it, send them my way. I'll make another post as I get closer to being finished.

EDIT: Oh and there's his UFC podcast when he talks about it. That one is a good one.

The Princess Alena Confessions somehow passed me by at the time, not heard very much from that hilarious chapter in Jim's life mainly because I'd rather pierce my eardrums with knitting needles than ever listen to Jim & Sam but compiling it is a great idea. Seems like more gold for the sub.

At this point I don't think he's even really a queer. A gay guy would just want to fuck other (actual) men one way or another, right? Not play "girlfriend" games with some he-she. Norton is some really twisted little creep. I don't know what his deal is and I don't really want to.

Jim's just a sad, empty, lonely guy. Don't call him twisted. It's what he wants, and most importantly, he isn't.

He's a pedo just like anthony and joey welfare leech cumia. Uncle Paul is Jim not anth well both. He is so fake he only gets off on "KP" and bein fucking in the butthole like joey. He like to rub his dick on young girls that are blackout drunk even raped an underage girl in the studio. All his his sex stories are all bs been listening to old Patrice clips and when Jan and Anth talk about girls and being ladies men makes me want to bash both heads into a brick wall.
Jimm has an old computer motherbroad he has locked away in a safe now lets not forget.

He thought he was going to get woke points marrying a cross dressing dolph lundgren. Shame she talked to someone she wasn't supposed to.

TL/DR; jimmy is a faggot...

And let’s remember she is 6 foot 1 and Jim with lifts on is 5’5” at best. Imagine these 2 freak shows at Niagra holding hands and the dirty looks they were getting.