Any chance we could get tumblr "up in arms" about Fatricks book? They don't seem to be fans of cis-males using LGBT characters for no reason.

24  2019-05-24 by Gainsgoham

I think it has potential. It's pretty obvious that he doesn't actually care about their "movement" but he's just using these characters as a way to hopefully sell more books and make money. Seems like the kind of thing they wouldn't like.


He’s a fucking white male. That’s already 2.99 strikes against him.

It's definitely doable. There's a shit ton of faggots there that would get triggered.

Woah man don’t use that term.

yeah "triggered"?, cmon man, Rollinsbot won't let that fly in here.....

We are going to need some LGBT accounts and some choice pull quotes to use.

Attach them to a graphic and act outraged.

Be sure to include his "roller derby lesbians" quote from his red hat rant post as evidence he's not one of the rainbow club.

Would Tumblr be upset at the obvious virtue signaling of the characters or would they praise him

Also right-wing, feminist and kike subs, 4/8chan boards...

I can make this happen because of my certain religious clique on Tumblr. I was waiting to see if we were gonna do anything there. Its easy AF for shit to catch on there.

I have a screen shot of a now deleted facebook post where Fatrick talk's about another comedians, "Tranny Voice." Pretty tame, but these transgender activists are fucking Message me if you want me to send it to you. I don't want to post it here in case that fat orb is lurking.