Reminder: this incredibly gay photograph of Anthony and Brother Joe exists

144  2019-05-19 by GinFoss


From the album "white lies"

(and no, not everyone in the 80s dressed like a total fag)

Anthony is so fucking ugly

He has had the same monster face since the last zit popped. Vampire faggot.

His face is witch-like.

Otto the bus driver lookin nigga

But but but according to his book he was slaying puss back then! Do you think he was being untruthful?

The only thing Anthony slayed were templar knights during their hunt for forbidden treasure when they awoke this demon from his sleep

Most people can look back at some point in their lives and think they looked pretty good. For this ghoul, it is like the Freddy Krueger family album.

I don’t get it, what were they going for?


Fair enough

Homosexual look

lying about being white since 1980

Anthony looks like Joe's sugar daddy

The 80s were perhaps the faggotiest era since Ancient Greece but this picture is queer as fuck, even for that most homosexual of decades.

Anthony looks like some kind of ostrich/African hermaphrodite hybrid but Joe...Christ almighty. That crop top, that freshly sodomised pose, the ladylike pout...what a monumental faggot. No wonder he's HIV positive, he was a human toilet during the AIDS outbreak.

I enjoy your posting very much.

I find his erotic literature unsettling

You misspelled titillating.

Coupla faggolas

Did the think they were Aerosmith?

Ant still looks like he's from Mesopotamia, even with all his flair.

sorry bro, people from Mesopotamia were involved in creating civilization and culture. Anthony's dying in the sand due to being too stupid and lazy to catch an animal to eat

You know his cuneiform is not on point.

that's the understatement of the millennium, brotherman

"Where eez my scimitar!? FUCK!!"

Joe looks this gay in almost every 2U photo, too.

(Seriously, go look)

I think Joe looks very straight and masculine


It looks like a Mr Show sketch

I get the feeling these 2 know their way around a cock.

Gadaffi's gay sons.

It was the 80s, it was a different time

I didn't know that Eric Carmen and Rick James collaborated.

Hungry eyes, indeed

Oates and Eats Oats

Ernest Goes to a Gay Bar

They still tell lies about being white

These guys just so desperately wanted attention and recognition. Positive or negative, doesn't matter. They were neglected by their father and found refuge in alcohol, crack, xanax, and belittling others.

Unfortunately for Joe he's too retarded to use words or communicate in any meaningful way. (I suspect his squirting old lady is equally if not more so dim witted)

And Anthony just got extremely lucky to hook up with Opie. And now we can all see how terrible and awful Anthony is without Opie.

Opie really nailed it when he said Anthony was human garbage. Joe might be too retarded to be depressed, but I hope Anthony is suffering inside for all the pain he has caused. Old faggot.

That sounds like most of us .

Stomach so full of cum it had to be pumped out at the hospital later.

Just a couple of "handsome white guys"... (lol)

All Ray would have to do is touch their hair and then he'd know the score

i wonder if they ever rubbed their bare tummies together

Arab Lies...

Anth looks like a 34yr old tranny.

To be fair, it was the 80s.

Oh I’m sorry is there something wrong with homosexuality?

Joe has a lot of nerve insulting anyone when he looked like this

He looks about 6'2" in that photo

Did Anthony ever look young?

Is there not a single picture in existence where Joe Cumia does not look like a complete queer?

Half shirt so he can feel the other dude's cum on his belly.

How do you go from the airborne infantry to that?

If you met these two "men" in a alley would you feel comfortable?