Artie pumping gas in Jersey.

5  2019-05-19 by malvin77


Useless trashcan of a person.

Oh shit

Heroin dealers are sure to honor that!

Good lord his face is fucked

Yeh wtf happened?

Snorted glass with some coke

He was putting that shit on cheeseburgers

I’m guessing there is a reason people do that ? Holy fucking shit.

Nope. His fucked up junkie nose got punched and couldn't rebound. He made up that glass story because junkies always lie.

lol you believe that junkie horseshit. It's from decades of snorting caustic drug powder.

Hmm? Seemed like it happened immediately, so glass ripping through his sinuses made sense.

He snorted a Jew broad who fought Dracula or some shit.

And fucked a cheeseburger

he's been wearing that jacket for 15 years now.

If only Brother Joe could be that handsome

Should have done that speedball 16

I've never seen a nose like that. At least not outside of a Dr Zeuss book.

Can I keep this 20 dollar bill he says with a face of disbelief but hopes he can keep the 20

Anyone else still hoping for a tragic ending? This could make the relapse and bloated corpse that much sweeter.

His nose is far worst that I he really hasn't any cartilage in there anymore

Looks like a Saigon whore bit his nose off.

he really looks like a ghoul from fallout here

What’s with the somber music in this vid?

Someone needs to get Pat Cooper to hold an intervention for Artie.