Fuck Jack Black

20  2019-05-18 by aRTie02150

I'm getting fucking sick of this guy.


Hot take?


I never saw that movie, is it worth a watch?

It's pretty good.

Bruce Willis plays a bad guy, which is a welcome change, and Richard Gere's accent is great.

I don't remember too much about the film itself, it's been awhile since I've seen it, but I remember it being pretty good. A nice suspense caper with some occasional action.

what did he do?

He's on front page of Reddit singing and every fucking sad manchild is praising him.

I liked him in Kung Fu Panda, and that's it.

I liked Orange County.

Watching Kung Fu Panda makes you a sad manchild

He's awful.

From this decade I'll give him Bernie and that's seriously it.

That was a good ass movie

Right? I couldn't let that go unacknowledged. Black's good, but not the best part which were the real citizens of that town in the movie. It was like the best of some true crime reenactment tv show.

He’s on that tier of people who show strokes of genius, but 98% of the time goes for fart joke, mouth breather comedy because it’s way easier to make money by doing that shit. Adam Sandler is the biggest example of this.

It looks like Sandler has been quietly challenging himself lately, though. The past few years he got good notices for such things as a supporting turn in a Noah Baumbach film and his first concert in decades. He also hosted his first SNL, something he avoided doing because he felt he was "too slow"(i think that's what he said on Norm Macdonald Live).

He's starring in the next film by the brothers who wrote & directed Good Time. In the very near future I think people are gonna start talking about Sandler the way we were when McConaughey had his streak a few years back, but without the award recognition.

One might refer to him as FAGGOT

Agreed, but I'm really annoyed by all that Spicy Hot Wings shit that I see on /r/videos .

Hot take?

Sean Evans, the interviewer, is an annoying fag.

From the two or three videos I've watched I thought he had great questions and he's a good interviewer.

I watched a bunch of episodes initially. He definitely has good questions, and does his research. But after seeing him for a while I just get this faggy, tryhard, wigger vibe from him.

I agree wholeheartedly with this post. Tenacious D is also retarded.

Anyone who likes that Tenacious D shit is a faggot. Naturally, Reddit thinks it's great.

A skibbidy woo wooo woo ya'll

But he's fat and obnoxious and clumsy HAHAHAHA.

He was okay in enemy of the state, mostly because he wasn't doing that goofy minstrel shit he thinks he's good at.

He's good in that Bruce Willis movie where he gets obliterated by basically a cannon.

Best part of The Jackyl. Blew that fuck's arm off

He was fine in Mr. Show, other than that I can't think of anything he's done that I liked.

¡chinga Jack Black!

Hot take 10 years ago