Money well spent

61  2019-05-15 by bovinebrain


Nice acne cyst cheekbone, stupid.

And getting worse everyday. Soon, he's just gonna have that clump of plugs. A reverse comb over.

At first, I thought this was about how the frame of doorway's arch doesn't close properly. Was about to praise you as autistic for screen grabbing that from a video.

How dare you. As a white Italian man, Anthony knows a thing or two about architecture. His ancestry dates back to the masters of Rome and Greece. He took one look at his new estate and the new dominus knew exactly where to place columns for increased stability.

Sounds like you went to the Anthony Cumia school of comedy.

I can see what you’re thinking, Tunisian.

The McMansion and the Nana hair are both falling apart

Individually placed acne craters.
