We got it, stupid. His smile is disgusting here.

53  2019-05-15 by suirogerg


these two have a lot in common. De Niro can't go back to france because he was caught fucking underage girls.

Two faggots.

30 years in show business and Borton's still basically a tweener at a One Direction concert every time he meets someone famous, even if it's a demented old faggot like De Niro.

Has Jim ever considered that badgering celebrities for photos has MAYBE earned him a reputation that MAY have contributed to him not being asked to do anything in Hollywood? Hollywood is fickle like that. They don’t want some star struck loser hanging out on set interrupting everyone for photos and autographs.

This needs to be messaged to Jim Norton directly so he can have the realization that he personally ruined his career.

If I was trying to make it in Hollywood, playing it aloof and cool would have to be near the top of the list.

I don’t do twitter either. Otherwise I would send it to him.

I don’t do twitter either. Otherwise I’d send this to him.

That and he’s also at best Disney Channel sitcom level actor.

He lives a life of manufactured emotion, so when it comes time to reenact a written character, he has no well of genuine experience to draw from.

I honestly feel that Norton would fail a blind Turing Test.

Even if he has already met them before

Exactly, he's been yapping about De Niro going to the Cellar for at least 10 years now.

Can anyone imagine the bug-eyed twitching and fumbling around with the camera going on before and after this picture?

And asking him for several retakes

Robert Deniro looks like Jim just slipped him a rape drug


I hate Jim Norton more than anyone else except for Sam Roberts. Fuck I hate Sam.

I fucking met Robert deniro at Monte Carlo. Gave him a handshake and told him I was a fan. That was that. I can't imagine considering yourself to be in the business and still being pathetic enough to ask people for photographs and autographs. Jim fucking stinks.

Considering yourself to be in the business. great analysis, Mr. Sucks-shit. This is exactly how Norton sees himself.

Any mystique surrounding De Niro vanishes after watching two minutes of any interview of him. He's a tedious moron.

Never knew Jim liked Michael Savage

Again with the giant puffy jacket?

A faggot with AIDS and a dago with a brood of autistic half nigger babies.

I wish this loser would just kill himself already. Nice picture, you fucking loser

Is that smile something he started to do fairly recently? Jim's never struck me as a big smiles type of faggot. A faggot nonetheless, just not a big smiles type

What a couple of fuck hesds.

His role in the entertainment business is equivalent to the retard they let sweep the floors and get pictures with Ronald at McDonalds.

I call him Bob