"I preach to the perverted, people who agree with me. You’re not going to pay $35 [to see me] if you love Donald Trump because you’re probably not going to get what you want, because I speak in full sentences and use a lot of polysyllabic words. It might befuddle you." (Actual Quote)

26  2019-05-12 by Doodoflife


I'd love to see that cable around his neck. That's one circus I would attend

That's one dock cleat I could tie my boat to.

That's one African clitoris I'd circumsize

That’s one necktie party I’d plan my day around.

I’m really enjoying this bit.

I doubt it took any coaxing to get him to take this photo.

He suggested it.

At least Trump likes to do it with girls. "Rollins" (Garfeldstein) is a barely closeted fag.

"Childless by choice" and "hasn't been in a relationship since his 20s" would be fine if he was slamming groupies but everything he does is just a mighty effort to distract himself from his overwhelming urge to sit on a cock.

He's a performance artist. Thus anything he says or does can be hailed as genius if it lands or dismissed as satire if it doesn't. That's one jester who's curved shoes I'm not worthy to kiss.

Fucking so douchey: pic and quote. Thanks for posting haha Rollins douche chills are a favourite part of the sub now.

Oh, the intellectually superior angle that the left always uses. They don’t seem to actually look at their constituency before making those claims, though.

His career should have ended in middle management at Zerox headquarters

This faggot sure does take a lot of pictures

Nice angry old heeb bit, faggot.