This Patrick guy is claiming that Ben Shapiro is part of tribe. I'm pretty sure that's anti-Semitic

15  2019-05-11 by mrwhite9292


He really is a terrible fucking writer. That last paragraph was one run on sentence.

He also doesn't know when to use "whom"

"That's linguistic prescriptivism you racist elitist!"

He doesn’t know that whom is officially whomst now

Came here to say the same damn thing.

It probably took him 20 minutes to put that together. Then he pushed the “post” button, folded his arms, and leaned back in his chair with a confident smile. “THIS will be the one to put me back on the map.”

He thinks his style of writing is so fucking witty. It's infuriating.

Says the man who was a guest on The Damsels of Dorkington.

"Alexa! Write me a tawdry bargain bin sci-fi novel."

Don't count your chickens, fatso.

Now he's going after short people and the mentally disabled. HE'S STOKING THE FIRES OF GENOCIDE TO HIS "FANS AND FOLLOWERS"! FATTY BE STOKING!

Fatrick's mushbrain goes all over the place. You had to be an idiot to not recognize that annoying Shapiro guy as very smart.

I noticed that, a tubby unsuccessful sci-fi writer makes fun of someone else’s appearance. Deep down Patrick HATES Ben because that’s all he’s famous for, getting into a twitter fight and being mocked. Now with his twitter ban and soon to be Facebook ban, Pat is just becoming more of a loser. Plus Pat claims he “beat” Ben and blocked him because Ben tried but couldn’t break his argument. Delusional!

Such insufferable prose. I hate him.

He's such a delusional weirdo

Racist, classist and disparages people with disabilities all in a short paragraph. Patrick you are a hypocritical scumbag.


Patrick is a prime example of Dunning Kruger syndrome.

That time Ben Shapiro kicked his fat ass on Twitter apparently still stings. You're the only one who remembers it, C-Cup. Quoth Shapiro, "Patrick who....?".

That last paragraph is an abomination. Nice prose, stupid

The only talents Fatrick has are fucking children and getting banned from social media.

Hacky buzzword using nothing.

Punchlines like that are why he's such an acclaimed and lauded stand up

Any man who writes this type of ego-stroking garbage deserves to have his hands sawed off.

"To which his intellect appeals", not "who his intellect appeals to". But then again I'm not a writer.