That time Jimmy said he was "quitting" whores because they never call him to see how he's doing or make any attempts of being thoughtful to him. What a delusional queen.

106  2019-05-08 by HuxleyOverOrwell


I genuinely hope some big tranny hooker beats him to death one night

I can see the worm retiring to Amsterdam and falling in love with a blue light queen

They don't ever want to date me!

What a fucking fag. This fucker tried to wife up a cam whore who wasn't even allowed in the United States. He had to run off to Canada to suck his cock.

Who was already married



"beat it Mae West with your 1940s attitude"

"Why can't I find a good girl!?"


I’ve said it before, but this is the most memorable clip of OnA to me. Not the most entertaining, but the most surreal. It’s a man going on the air grumpily saying he’s done with whores because none of them want to hang out or date him after the transaction is complete. Like this is some Pretty Women movie. It finally hit me how far gone this man truly was to be talking like this to a national audience with no self-awareness of what he was saying.

Yeah hes a regular micheal jackson

But the fact he's willing to do it, as crazy as it is, is why the show was so fucking great. Same with Anthony. He put his entire life out there to entertain people, and now it's being used against him. Not saying they aren't deplorable, just recognize the reason they were doing it was to make a good show. They know that's what people eat up, and all these years later, we still are.

Oh no doubt. The fact that you could witness these off-kilter situations is what made the show for me. It’s the same with convincing a retarded man that an Australian model loves him, or degenerate discussion on the Brazilian girlfriend market. No show except for Ron and Fez could make these crazy car wreck situations work. Podcasts are a poor substitute as they are often edited and produced after fact. I think it’s a big reason everyone has gotten so disdainful of the Big 3. They had something unique, but got lazy and threw it away for social media likes and comfort.

Let's be honest.. alot of shit was real. Alot of shit was exaggerated. Alot of shit was made completely up on the spot. And my point is, we don't know where any of the issues we discuss fall into those 3. People are retarded with that "I heard him say it on the air" shit.

Above all else . . . REAL

Whores never calling you is what you pay for. If you fuck a regular broad, the bitch will call you multiple times everyday.

Especially when you have as much money as Norton does.

Look at Anthony's stalker. If you think she wanted anything but cash, you're fucking stupid.

The only difference between a prostitute and a wife is that a wife isn't as good as pretending she's not in it for money.

Mental illness

I love hearing his rants about the mentally ill. A lot of projection going on there.

What exactly does Jim Norton think he has to offer another person as a romantic partner? Getting access to his six figure income isn't worth the stigma or irritation of being Jim Norton's snugglebunny. Never mind that he'd only let you spend it on seltzer water and dildos.

He is unattractive, he has a whole host of revolting sexual fetishes, he doesn't like food, alcohol or drugs, he isn't into movies, TV, shows or traveling and his only significant interests are a couple of old 1970s-80s rock bands and MMA fighting. He couldn't have made himself more repellent to women if he tried.

He knows nothing at all about MMA

All Jim had to do was skim through what little fans he has/had, pick out a dumpy 4-6 that worships him(there's always at least one" and puts up with all his faggy bullshit and the fucking moron could be married right now. I'm legitimately glad that he will die alone while some bored illegal cleans out his apartment and throws away all of his stupid fucking celebrity pictures.

All he wanted was for the whore to feed into his cuckold fantasies.

Ya know, fat Jimmy is the least creepy Jimmy.

I just feel bad for him. He doesn’t seem to know how anything in life works and how he hasn’t killed himself is honestly beyond me

Isn't the point of getting a hooker is that there's zero relationship bullshit involved?

jim cant get non sexworkers though, so to him paying hookers is seducing women.

Holy shit was that Kurt Love phoning in?

Jim is such an idiot. 10 years ago at least..

Well to be fair.... when you put someone thru college, you'd think a Christmas card wouldn't be out of the question.

I remember this older guy I used to work with told a story about this escort he used to see. The guy was management at a B-B investment bank and "happily" married with 3 teenage kids. The whore was obviously high-end and they would meet every week or 2. She'd do her thing and was rewarded handsomely for her services. One day he said she seemed distracted. He asked her what was up and she told him she was having some problems with her kid (I can't remember what) and that she was stressed about them. She apologised for bringing her private life up but he said it was fine. They finished their session, he paid, left and never contacted her again.

That's the "relationship" you're meant to have with a prostitute (if at all.) She crossed the illusionary line and was, rightly, fired. Norton is a stupid fag.

Did they ever get married?

Is that meant to be a Norton question?

Jim really might be the worst out of the three. He has no redeeming qualities.

If the black guy urinating in Jim's mouth has a wife, he's not a hooker.