'What a rude piece of shit, what a coward'! ( clean cut, prudent Jimbo, in reference to some tenacious diva who blocked him for no reason)

16  2019-05-06 by TomaszLuniewski


Even when telling how he was somewhat wronged, Norton comes across like a fucking asshole. What happened to him is not a big deal and nobody could possibly enjoy listening to this shit. Fuck Jim Norton.

He thinks his creepy deviant sexual past is somehow nullified because now hes a good romantic boy wanting to start something serious. Fact he likes to get shat on by harlem tranny hoes is not something that one would have hard time finding out by simply googling his name.

He shouldn’t have ever stopped paying for it, or handled that shit 15 years before he did. He is in his 50s, none of his credits impress anyone he wants to date at this point. If you lead a boring life, you need to find some fun hobbies that you can bring up in conversation if you’re going to start dating.

Hence the Jim&world famous portfolio to flick through over wine... i mean self-heating bevereage.

What a hip show using verbiage like “cloak.” Nice using lexicon more appropriate for a morning zoo in Cleveland, stupid.

why doesnt jim just go on a date with a legit gay guy and see what happens

for such an “open minded” guy, he seems really anti being a faggot even in theory.

like henry rollins or any dude who goes “if i was gay trust me it would be so much easier”

when it really wouldnt and thats why they cant even try it and realize its not what they want (or maybe they do)

i hate jims “will he wont he” faggot story arc

Two creeps prop up a third creep's problem behavior and humorless moaning.

Also when/why did jim get a voice like patty and selma from the simpsons?

It's an unfortunate side-effect of Princess Alan's meaty phallus.

he used to be addicted to cigarettes maan

oh man, he has his raspy, dark voice on. Watch out, gang, Jim is going on a tear. Fucking MO.

“This one looks like the anti-Christ, and this one looks like a sex offender.”

-Someone who has no idea who these two nothings are

If one flew over the cuckoos nest was being remade Jimmy would secure a safe spot in the cast. Just thanks to the optics....

He could play Michael Berryman's part, the bald mong chained to the wall.

He is such a vagina.

Jim understand give and take. He doesnt understand "real" relationships.

Hes destroyed them all.

Is that pic of Sam unedited?


That vitamin and sunlight deficiency is showing.

I can’t believe they greenlit this photo

God these two are ugly.

What a couple of ghouls.

But hey, at least Jim has a nice genuine smile on his face.

That is deinitely not the look of a lifetime spent repressing homosexuality & pain over spending the last 20yrs trying to secure a longterm relationship with men who wear skirts or 23yo women...

If someone says “I don’t eat meat” your response should never be “well, how about this other type of meat”