
45  2019-05-05 by Officer_McGrady


Why the fuck did he say he’s not a pedophile?

This has a N’s ribs hurtin today.

When you're eulogizing your freshly-dead mother on Facebook, some things just need to be said up front.

works at job interviews as well

That freebase coke probably contributed to her Alzheimer's tremendously. He tried to alleviate the guilt early in the spiel by mentioning that his grandmother had dementia, but all old healthy people suffer from dementia before any other symptoms usually.

Those Cumia boys really motherfucked their mom. They actually chose to live with their deadbeat fagass dad than with Roe, who needed emotional support.

When the Cumia boys were ready to come back from California Ro sent them money for plane tickets and that deadbeat pocketed the money and bought them bus tickets instead. Bad (or sick) guy!

She made us the type of individuals that we are, all because of her and the example she set for us as children

Anthony is an ephebophilic ghoul who grooms underage girls. He is an alcoholic, woman-beating/-biting, racist, emotionally stunted garbage human. Joe is an unemployed racist who sees nothing wrong with collecting a lifetime allowance from his younger brother. So, in other words, Ro was a horrible parent and person. Good job with the E-eulogy, stupid.

As usual, Joe enjoyed patting himself on the back for accomplishing literally nothing.

“dont post anything sad, I dont want to experience grief please. thats what she would have wanted”

Unlike Anthony, at least Jomosexual visited his mother once in her last five years on Earth. One and done though. Apparently the experience of seeing her non compos mentis was upsetting for him. So he didn't go again. Because that's what's important, the feelings of a grown man in his mid-50s, not the human act of caring for one's parents in their dotage. He then went on to literally claim she was dead on social media. I guess in what passes for his mind, thinking of her as deceased made him feel less of a piece of shit.

She sure kept Anthony and Joe on the straight and narrow by doing coke with them.

Good job not visiting your dying mother stupid...

Every time I feel an ounce of pity for these fuckheads, I think about this. Boomer Essaison knew the truth a long time ago.

Nice that he let us know his mother's mom is also his grandmother. I would've never made that connection.


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I'm guessing after Warren Haynes but since Joe only knows musical acts with celebrity names: Jimi Hendrix Experience, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble, Clapton, U2 feat Bono and The Edge, Steve Perry and Journey, etc.

Theory: he would have named "Wayne", "Gregg (Allman)" if it weren't for the Fffawkin Brothaman Destroyer dismissing "his half of the work on WBAB".

Dumb fuck Boomers never have the impulse control to post something on Facebook without shoe horning politics into it.

She also had the pleasure of seeing all 3 of us grow up into the same kind of independent, responsible, decent, caring human beings that she put a lot of effort into having us become.

Holy shit was a fucking tediously worded sentence. But more importantly, aside from Dawn, what a fucking pile of horseshit.

INDEPENDENT?! lolol Joe takes money from his kid brother because he can't earn a living as a minstrel

RESPONSIBLE?! between public racist rants, multiple canceled gigs, documentation of him endangering his children's lives while speeding drunk in the emergency shoulder, going on national TV to use reverse psychology that he's "not a pedophile". And Anth.. Well would a responsible pensioner ever drunkenly and homosexually scream "where the fffuck issssh my guuun... Fuck !"

She also had the pleasure of seeing all 3 of us grow up into the same kind of independent, responsible, decent, caring human beings that she put a lot of effort int having us become.

Yeah, hmmm.. about that..