This sub doesnt give trump enough credit

0  2019-05-04 by PatIsAFatHack

fuck his politics, trump is hands down the funniest politician ever

im bummed we only get four more years


I agree. Fuck politics. Presidential priority is to always have a nigga’s ribs hurtin’

I wish Hillary won 😠

Fucking faggot

Don't think the Socialist Faggotry party is going to find a transgender half Mexican, half black cripple who can beat him, eh?

the entire year of the 2016 race was the most bizarre and hilarious thing I’ve ever seen unfold

I was inclined to agree with you until September 2017 when the people's court episode came out

Ask any fag that hates him what he has changed and do the same to any fag that loves him.

economy talks with north korea not renewing obamacare

and he still finds time to get in a couple jems on twitter or during one of his rallies

i re watched his debates, when they brought up his “grab them by the pussy tape” dude goes on long rant calling bill clinton a rapist on live tv, and had his four accusers at the debate

trump dodged a 2 year multi million dollar federal investigation and rubbed it everyones face

trump is hilarious



You know he doesn't just evaporate after he leaves office like Cinderella's coach, right? He'll probably be even less restrained about what he says.

I'm looking forward to his guest appearances on Alex Jones as he slides into dementia.

the fact he says what he says and is president makes his petty jabs funnier

him rubbing his presidency in everyones face till he dies will be pretty funny tho

Its true, he's the funniest thing to ever happen to America.

every comedian needs to take a 4 year break and play with their family. trump bringing the funny for free

Yeah, if we ever wondered how full of shit Hollywood and a lot of celebrities were, just look at all the meltdowns and all the people who didn’t move to Canada like they said they would

You do realize that Donald Trump is a Hollywood celebrity to the 10th power, right?

and you realize he’s also full of shit, right?

yeah that was hysterical he had no idea where his fucking father was born. laugh riot

sounds pretty funny to me

The best part is that the election of President Trump has exposed Fatrick as a mentally ill pedophile.