Opie haters really piss me of

12  2019-05-02 by ShutYourCakeHorn

Go lick Anthony and Jim's balls some more, faggots.


Fuck all three of them including Tits. This bit is for gay faggots. Kill yourselves, queers.

Truth. He might be the least disgusting of the 3 but he's still a bit stomping zilch.

Don’t you think you’re overreacting a smidge?

Amen brother man

Any time I meet an opie hater I just tell em to go kick rocks and eff off

Opie hater haters really piss ME off.

Opie haters have been popping up more often as of lately and the poopie-Opie guy has been getting upvotes as of lately

I noticed that they’re all no name low karma faggots and ichise is trying to meme historic revision on to this sub saying Opie love contributed to the downfall even though it was Fatrick & SpaceEdge

So pissed off he couldn't even finish spelling "off" before mashing the Enter key

ME: Me too. Period.

Vurry misguided of them.

opie is easily, by far, the worst of the three. its not even close.

also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile.

Yeah because hating Opie means you like those guys? Just like how you're a filthy libtard if you don't like Trump?

Fuck off, mouth breather, and fuck that fat-titted unfunny hack cunt