Sarcasm aside, Patrick definitely looks down on women, minorities and the LGBT community.

174  2019-04-28 by BeigeFrequency

He uses them as props in his stupid stories because it's "whacky" like a giant transgender crab. Isn't that c-c-c-cooo-ray-zee? But he's really just pandering the way all modern pop culture does by throwing a bunch of non whites and gays into everything.

Whenever interacts with a real women, POC or transgender person, his obvious disdain for them comes out. He knows better. He knows what's good for them and if they disagree, they must have internalized misogyny or something. It's fitting that he refers to everyone he disagrees with as "child" or "little one" because that is unironically how he views anyone other than white males. Helpless children who need to be protected and lead by their wise white father figure.


And poor people. He hates them too.

Poor people do smell to be fair

The only thing I smell of is whiskey sweat.

I’m a blue collar SOB that does manual labor I have been around smelly poor people before trust me. I myself smell bad until I get home and shower.

Of course people are gonna smell when they do Manuel labor (Manuel is hispanic).

Container of coffee, amirite pal?

Lunch pale too yeah

Why don't it get some sun then


As a pink collar worker that's around poor people daily, you do smell bad


It’s called employment not enjoyment

Isn’t he poor?

Who’s poor??? My nigga P-Titty pulls in 6 figures a year! Don’t know who you talking about

I enjoy the moniker "P-Titty"

Sounds like something someone should make a documentary about.

He's also fat.

Seeing how he can't accept being wrong. Its no surprise hes a misogynist and feels some hatred for every woman now since his first wife left him.

On top of it he is a child molester who makes change in the collection plate at church.

Many people who go out of their way to appear righteous are over compensating or making up for some deep kind of guilt. God knows what's in this guys history/basement.

God knows, and so do we. If we work hard enough so will his few remaining fans.

I swear to God if Patrick is involved in blood libel of small Christian babies I will not be a happy camper

I think he's projecting when he calls everyone children, too. As a divorced sci-fi "author" who can't maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's obviously a sore spot for him. The day drinking and Hot Pockets at 3pm while sloppily writing three new shitty books is not the daily agenda of a sophisticated adult. No motorcycle or political essay will compensate for that.

If he didn't actually do something with a child then why does he get so defensive instead of just saying "that's ridiculous" or ignoring it completely?

That's every liberal/SWPL/etc. in a nut-shell. They have limited interactions with the protected classes so they have a one-dimensional caricature understanding of them. When you work or spend time with enough of them, whatever group it may be, that white savior kumbaya shit goes out the window real quick. Not that you'll necessarily turn into Colin Flaherty either. You'll just have a more realistic understanding of the differences between groups and that, despite what TV & movies have been saying, some of them can be real sssssscumbags instead of helpless babies waiting to suckle at Fatrick's meaty do-gooder breasts.

This is nearly a given and it's the worst kind of passive-aggressive racism and bigotry of the Leftists. He thinks he's a real pal for condescending to them, he has the racism/sexism/fagenabling of Low Expectations. He imagines wearing a pink pussy hat is a 'donation' to their cause.

He's the fucker who's writing some fucking childish space fantasy TV show series where chirpy fascists on spaceships give each other starfleet orders but get this.. his Captain is a woman and look out because she can man that spaceship more than any man. Also she can fight like a man probably because a white man gave her special powers.

To be fair to the modern American left, like at least 50% of LGBT are stupid enough that they take this condescension as kindness. That's how they think they should be treated.

I find effeminate progressives to be extremely awkward and submissive around the blacks.

The white people at BLM protests are really an embarrassing spectacle to see.

Not to mention he looks at children as only sex objects

I can still empty my stomach at will by thinking of his fairy tale of him and a couple of strapping young bucks saving nubile moosleem gals from getting stuck in his slime trail Or snow as he told it

Remember when he posted about being at a Brewers game, and made the observation he was surround by a black nurse, a jew this, a faggot that, then went on some generic thing about diversity and sports bringing people together?

Who fucking thinks like that instead of you're just random people with one sports team in common? Can Patso even interact with a person of color and just let it be a normal human interaction rather than getting erect he's a white guy talking to a nigger lesbian or whatever? If any of the people who were around him at the time saw him posting about their ethnic background as a celebration on Facebook, they'd either be creeped out or think he's a fucking doofus.

i think the medical term for what he has is "insane faggotry"

This is a bit random but after watching season 3 of True detective, I think it has one of the best portrayals of race relations I've ever seen. Hays is black and a badass but decidedly imperfect. And they defy expectations by pointing out the faults in his wife too. West has those inescapable racial prejudices we all have, even if we don't want to admit them, but he looks past them because he's an inherently good character and recognizes the good in Hays.

I mentioned this Malcolm X clip elsewhere in this thread, but this really sums up the true character of Fatrick and his attitude about minorities. He is a classic virtue signaler. I think this would be a great topic for a video.

Minorities are props in Fatrick's solipsistic reality and they need his special help because otherwise they are too weak to flourish on their own merits. This is why the realist and most dangerous blacks are people like Malcolm X who talk about liberals being wolves in sheep's clothing rather than the good old boy Southerners who don't use any sort of pretense about their true feelings.

It's a social contagion that bleeds into everything the Fatricks of the world conceive of like their views on trans people and censoring wrongthink. Fatrick has no knowledge of how things actually function because he's been cloistered in his default-liberal, middle class reality and I would bet anything that his parents have money just based on how much he posts about going to events and playing with his expensive toys despite the fact that he obviously can't be making any real money being a tenth-rate genre author.

Same with his story about him and all those minorities helping dig those two Muslim women out of a ditch when they crashed the car. That obviously never happened, but he made it up because he wants to have his equivalent of the moment in a Bioware game when all the races come together to fix everything, because he is a brainless manchild.

I hate that even this sub is now using the term "person of color" unironically. What you are saying is literally "a non-white person". It is a nonsensical term and LITERALLY racist against whites.

And white people are actually a pinkish color

He is the biggest cuck when it comes to women he agrees with politically, to the point where he will jerk off to the sight of them getting gangbanged by bi black men. As for women he disagrees with politically, he has written several lengthy dissertations as to why it’s okay to beat them. Not a guy I want around women or children.

In all seriousness, I've noticed this too. I'd thought about posting something similar, but I don't have the "street cred" you do, BF, and I didn't want it to get buried.

Do you guys remember that obscure YouTube Sci-Fi channel that had Pat as a guest a few years back; the one that we all discovered back in December and started posting comments to, trashing him?

I remember the interview he did with the channel's female "journalist", and it always gave me an uncomfortable feeling how he was looking at her. I watch a lot of interviews, including many on "indie" channels that feature other nobodies as guests, and they don't give me the creepy vibe Pat did. I'll see if I can dig up the link.

I'm not even gonna exaggerate and say it was sexual in nature, because it wasn't necessarily that kind of feeling; more like he looked at her the way you or I would look at a rodent. I think I muted the volume because it was boring, that's why I was able to focus on his body language toward her.

He's probably a covered misogynist.

He's one of those fat cuttlefish or whatever. Like Jim Jeffries.

Where's the link?

I can't find the video. I guess whoever uploaded it must've deleted it after our 'attack'.

i heard he looks down on the tops of a lot of children's heads too

Little pop, keep ya’on top

He's a monster.

He posted a picture of a guy in a wheelchair just trying to do his job so that he could signal to everybody that he just loves people with disabilities. They're just like normal human beings, my sweet fuckable child.

He's using other people's hardships to try and make himself look good and bolster his cred as an "ally." Everything is calculated to jerk off his ego.

It's weird how someone so obsessed with Internet validation to such narcasitic levels and self professed "expert troll" can be so wrong and so cliche about why people are fucking with him and who those people are.

He actually thinks - like that mongaloid pensioner Joe - that we are all fat losers lashing out at them out of jealousy, hate and bitterness.

I'm only stating this to prove a point and not to brag or lie but my life is so much better than I ever could have imagined it right up until my late 20s. I have my dream job, more money than I know what to do with (I'm not rich, but now instead of being one payslip away from ruin I'm 5 or 6, which is new for me) and I have a pretty hot fiancee.

I just find it fucking funny as shit to just bother these random fucking nobodies. It's hilarious.

Can you find anything funnier online than a vanity publishing Sci fi deluded weirdo repeatedly and publicly denying committing child sex crimes under the alias 'John Forgety'? I very much doubt it.

Patrick is a sad sack who has no joy in his life. No genuine love. No true passion. A man who is just as lost as a Cumia. Floundering toward political extremism to live vicariously through the cunning, charismatic, and intelligent players in some fictional game that has a large following who you can attempt to belittle with your false intelligence.

At least Sports fans have the decency to cave one another's skulls in with bricks and push each other off of balconies. That's passion. That's intrigue. That's energy. That takes interest and investment. When you apply that understanding to political philosophy and ideology, you're basically just begging other adults to speak for you and make decisions for you to follow.

Ant, Pat, and Joe all do the same shit. Perhaps some of us have done it in the past, but I have a feeling that their example has forced us to all reflect and change for the better in some ways. Fair to say, gent?

Shush child, let the grownups speak...

Patso would happily his political opponents gassed, shot, or imprisoned. He's just as hateful, if not moreso, than the 'nazis' (real or fake) he argues with online.