
167  2019-04-27 by G4YN1GG3R


Mother fucker really is Freddy Kruger.

I'm pretty sure Freddy Kruger isn't anywhere NEAR as ugly

Nor as vicious a pedophile

Looks like a Klingon going through chemo.

Ugly Motherfucker

-Caribbean cruise -still wearing two shirts

Hiding them titties

Must be a cruise to Haiti and other 3rd world islands

Ant gambles and Missy gets railed by a local.

Amd spent it photographing Black people enjoying their vacation. What a miserable old queen.

Nigga looking like Deadpool

I had an uncanny feeling these exact words in this exact order would be in this comment section. Thank you for your service.


He’s gonna be found dead in his pool*

Yea basically

To serve man.

I don’t think he looks any worse than usual.

He's plugged its just hidden between his ass cheeks

It's recently acquired solar powered egg allows Nana to venture further from its den in the search of its prey, shedding it's oily winter coat in the process.

I've been called Freddy.

Looks like wade Wilson amd larry trainer had a crossover and when they fucked freddy entered their dreams.

This actually looks better than those shitty pedolocks he has

Niggas face got more indents than a golf ball.

Does nomadiqqq1 have better jokes?

I did, yes.

He looks like the Pinkerton in RDR2.

You know that saying you have a radio face? Do they have that for mobile?

What are all those holes in his face?

Bullet wounds from failed suicide attempts, I hope.

Nope. You're all jealous. You wish you paid thousands to be on a boat with a bunch of senior citizens wearing bathing suits

Hellraiser Pinhead


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not enough acne scars

there's better terrain on the moon landing

His face probably feels like a golf ball.

LOL faggot

Ho Ho Homo

Nigga looks like he’s from Alien Nation.
