Add a dash of wholesome to your afternoon and remember to thank our Lord for all of his beautiful creations

23  2019-04-26 by timallenonacid


OMG! CUTE! God is good.

I will slit its throat in service to satan


I just hate his stupid "Wholesome Christian" bit. I liked him better when he was openly a suicidal borderline-incel.

Your preferences are but chaff under the well-sandalled foot of The Good Lord, child.

This bit is LouisCucK-level lazy and pointless.

It's fun u gay

He hates fun, pork and Christ. Gee, who does he remind me of?


You’re a lost soul, I pray our Lord finds you and guides you to His blessed light. 🙏🏻

I want to eat it.

All good people do, little one.

"Hey, Mister, can I come walk in Christ's glory with you?"

You sure can, l'il guy, let's go!

After all these horrible posts about Patrick Tommlinson raping and murdering children, this was a balm for the soul.

“Balm for the soul”.... has a nice ring to it.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Toml-in-son is the pig we wrestle against, that cute little guy up there is the pig we wrestle FOR.


I wanna put that lil guy in my shirt pocket to bring home and pray to God I don't face plant into anything on the way.

Though you may be a clumsy oaf, with God’s guidance I’m certain your journey would be a safe one. Praise our blessed Lord, and thank you for sharing your whimsical desire to travel with a pocket pig companion. I think many of us can relate and feel uplifted by your antidote. Praise our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.