Repost : Im Still Hilarious!

167  2019-04-26 by ChanceArm


Okay, I'm ready to admit it. You're our best artist. Great job.

Thank you, both for your compliment and for smashing into Carol's face


He knows his end is near and eternal damnation awaits him, praise our blessed Lord.

You’ve somehow captured the essence of his pedophilloic nature. The eyes, they ooze smacks of child fuckery.

Rodney Dangerous Pedo


Fucking amazing.

If I wasn't so lazy I'd do a spin on the "this is fine" burning dog meme

You’re the guy that did the 4 stages of AntH?

Yes, Count Tranthula is my favourite muse from this extended universe

Vury good. That picture is so popular I was accused of karmawhoring for reposting it on here

I see space edge too. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

This new sub is a renaissance

nigga got that trapezoid head

Really fantastic work on the eyes. Really quite exquisite.